Device management & connectivity

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Actility Actility device registrations using an enterprise connection were failing due to an issue with the enterprise connection creation. This issue has been resolved by fixing the enterprise connection creation step. DM-3560 cumulocity
Loriot Newly established Loriot connections failed initially because the user account created for sending uplink requests from devices lacked the necessary admin permissions. This issue has been resolved by granting the required permissions to both existing and new connections. DM-3411 cumulocity


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Device Management An old data model migration mechanism was erroneously removing installed software information from devices when the Advanced Software Management microservice was resubscribed or restarted. This mechanism has entirely been removed so that existing data is no longer modified. DM-3475 cumulocity

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
LWM2M A race condition encountered during simultaneous LWM2M client de-registration and new registration requests has been resolved, improving overall robustness in the registration process. DM-3124 cumulocity
LWM2M Large LWM2M bulk registrations and removals were unreliable due to a race condition.This issue has been fixed. DM-3141 lwm2m

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Device Management Sorting and filtering by creationTime and lastUpdated is no longer supported by the Inventory API, therefore it has been replaced by sorting and filtering on and properties only. DM-3112 ui-c8y


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
LWM2M The LWM2M agent realtime subscription for device operations now has a configurable limited time-to-live (TTL). The default TTL duration is 3 minutes. This setting may be configured on platform level. DM-3067 cumulocity


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Device Management In Chrome, custom event and operation fields having 0 or '0' as a value were incorrectly parsed and displayed as date. This is now fixed. DM-3098 c8y-ui


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
LWM2M The LWM2M agent realtime subscription for device operations now has a limited Time-To-Live (TTL) duration. The default TTL duration is 3 minutes. This setting may be configured on platform level. DM-3067 cumulocity
LWM2M The LWM2M agent's registration cleaner reads all the persisted LWM2M client registrations, then filters the registrations which are no longer valid and deletes them. In case of a huge number of LWM2M client registrations the registration cleaner consumes significant amount of memory, which can affect the LWM2M agent performance. With the current improvement, the registration cleaner only reads the LWM2M client registrations for which the registration time exceeds the timeout period. DM-3070 cumulocity


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
LWM2M Fixed an issue in the realtime API where a subscription marked as "non-retriable" could still be re-subscribed after re-establishing the underlying connection to the server, for example, after a Cumulocity core restart or network outage. MTM-56910 cumulocity


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
LWM2M Under certain rare conditions LWM2M devices were not able to connect due to an internal 409 conflict. The LWM2M agent is now more robust for such scenarios. DM-3044 Core
Device management The sms-gateway agent sent outgoing requests with the content type application/xml which is not recognized by the DCP API. This has been fixed and outgoing requests are now sent with the content type application/json. DM-3003 Core


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Device management Simulators did not use inventory POST/PUT templates properly as they did not specify any ID fields for the object they created/updated. This has now been resolved by adding the corresponding fields ID, External ID and External ID type depending on the SmartREST template used as instruction. DM-2853 UI
Device management Previously, when loading measurement charts data, there was a performance issue if the measurement series had no units defined, depending on the total number of measurement records. This issue has been addressed and measurements series now load efficiently regardless of units being defined or not. DM-2785 UI

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Device management The availability calculations in the "Availability" overview and for individual devices were not correct. Percentages were calculated for the respective time (24 hours, last 7 days and last 30 days) plus an additional 24 hours. The time interval has now been corrected. DM-2737 UI
Device management After editing a device protocol details page and leaving the page, a confirmation pop-up is now always properly shown. DM-2700 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Device management Fixed an issue in the data grid and device grid components where specific string, Boolean, and numeric cell values were wrongly formatted as dates. DM-2746 UI

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cloud Fieldbus Previously, the CAN bus protocol limited the representation of numeric values in the maximum value field, which posed limitations when dealing with exceptionally large numbers. To address this limitation, we have implemented a transformation mechanism that allows numeric fields to be defined using textual representations. DM-2691 UI
Device management The Copy dashboard button is now disabled when the user does not have the correct permissions. MTM-53334 UI
LWM2M Setting up LWM2M agent DTLS connections by DTLS Connection IDs (CID) is now supported. By default this functionality is enabled. If you use LWM2M devices that support connection IDs, contact your platform administrator to apply additional settings or check if this feature is enabled. DM-2702 Core


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Device management In the Device profiles page, when adding a repository item (software, firmware, configuration) if the device profile has a device type defined, the items shown either correspond to this device type or they don't have a device type specified. In some cases, repository items without a filter were not visualized in the window for adding an item. These items are now correctly shown. DM-2547 UI
LWM2M A fail-safe mechanism to regularly get pending LWM2M device connector operations from the platform has been added in addition to the real-time mechanism in the LWM2M agent. This mechanism is beneficial when real-time connections between the LWM2M agent and the platform are unstable. DM-2652 Core
LWM2M If thousands of decoder events were pending to be processed, the LWM2M agent tried to process the same event twice in certain cases. As a result, the log file showed confusing SDK exceptions. This has now been fixed. DM-2659 Core
LWM2M During a large number of parallel LWM2M DTLS device connection requests, used for devices using PSK secured mode, the LWM2M agent was not able to handle all connections at the same time. This caused connection failures for these devices to the platform. In the LWM2M agent, the default settings for this part have been adjusted and made configurable to serve large parallel connections. DM-2651 Core


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Connectivity The performance of MQTT connections has been improved. MQTT devices can now connect or reconnect faster, especially if the platform already has a large number of MQTT devices connected. MTM-53819 Core
LWM2M When reading an entire LWM2M object which contains multiple object instances in a simple read observer or send operation, the LWM2M agent processed and stored only one of the resources of these object instances. This is now resolved and the LWM2M agent processes and stores all resource data from multiple object instances correctly. DM-2426 Core
LWM2M If the LWM2M device observation frequency is high, for example, a few milliseconds, the LWM2M Agent processed the same message multiple times, occupying a lot of resources. This is now resolved. The LWM2M agent no longer reprocesses the same observation request. DM-1823 Core
LWM2M The LWM2M agent now correctly persists all registration update parameters. Previously, the LWM2M agent did not store changes of registration parameters, for example, updated registration lifetimes. This is now fixed. DM-2503 Core
OPC UA The application of OPC UA device protocols was unreliable when there were more than 1000 protocols. This is now fixed. DM-2634 Core
OPC UA In OPC UA device gateway nodes, expected but missing information prevented the completion of the address space scan operation. This is now fixed by skipping these nodes and adding an error message in the opcua-device-gateway log files. Additionally, the overall scanning speed has been improved for the full and partial address space scan operations. DM-2365 Core


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Device management In the device list view and groups list view, a Search field has been implemented that allows searching for devices/assets where any of their properties match the search term. In the All devices page the search term is not reflected in the query filter of smart groups. DM-1591 n/a
Device management Several accessibility issues have been fixed in the Device Management application. DM-1689 n/a
Device management In the Groups page for smart groups, the columns in the Subassets list are now configured in the same way as the All devices list at the time when the respective smart group is created, including sorting, visibility, order and custom columns. Filters that are part of the smart group definition are not displayed. Further filters can be applied to search among group devices. DM-1545 n/a
Device management The user experience has been improved by notifying the user with a confirmation popup while changing the owner of the device. DM-1709 n/a
Device management The data grid's configuration context has been extended with options to omit certain configuration parts when the configuration is persisted. This includes sorting, filtering, column order, column visibility and custom columns. In the Filter target devices grid in bulk operations and in the Assign devices grid in groups, filters are no longer persisted in order to not disturb users with previously applied filters. DM-1584 n/a
LWM2M The performance of the migrateLwm2mDevices operation has been improved. New command line arguments have been introduced with the operation. A list of legacy LWM2M devices can be specified directly from the shell command. Moreover, the migration of the LWM2M client registration objects can be skipped by using an argument. For details, refer to LWM2M > LWM2M connector device > Migration of the LWM2M devices in the Protocol integration guide. DM-1866 Core
LWM2M The accessibility of the LWM2M UI has been improved, for example, in the LWM2M bootstrap parameters tab and in the LWM2M post-operations page. DM-1692 n/a
LWM2M The LWM2M bulk registration now also supports the creation of external IDs and extra fragments in managed objects like it is supported in the general bulk registration. Furthermore, it is now possible to assign LWM2M devices to groups as part of the LWM2M bulk registration process. DM-1544 n/a


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cloud Fieldbus The Offset property field in the register configuration now accepts all values. MTM-48256 n/a
Connectivity Due to compatibility issues of the connectivity microservice with the Kite provider, an error occurred on the metrics page, when the monthly consumption data was an out-of-scope integer. This has been fixed by changing the data type. DM-1566 Core
Device management The device list now shows complex columns like c8y_SoftwareList correctly after converting them to strings. DM-2410 UI
Device management In the device grid, issues with applying filters have been fixed. DM-2321 UI
Device management In the SmartREST template editor, issues with the presentation of the External ID type field for Inventory POST messages have been fixed. Under CSV preview the generated "Template creation CSV" has been adjusted to include the "ID", "externalId" and "externalIdType" values. DM-2093 UI
Device management SmartREST Inventory GET templates created in the UI did not generate responses when there was no external ID type declared in the template. This issue has been addressed for both existing and newly created templates. DM-2126 Core
Device management When removing a device which has child devices, users can now select either to remove a device user or to remove all child devices. Prior to this change, it was possible to select both options in the UI, but such an action is not supported by the backend. MTM-45277 UI
Device management On the Services tab in the device details, the filter for the "Status" column did not work properly and didn't return any results when a filter was applied. This is now fixed. DM-2002 UI
Device management Due to a limitation of the Leshan library used by the LWM2M agent, only device registration messages were supported where the LWM2M version is attached to the LWM2M object. The LWM2M agent has now been extended to also accept LWM2M registration messages where the LWM2M version is attached to the LWM2M object instance. DM-1893 Core
Device management On the Software tab in the device details, the Reload button now correctly updates the Installed software list. DM-2005 UI
Device management In events and alarms views, custom properties with numeric values were incorrectly parsed and displayed as dates in the Chrome browser. This is now fixed. DM-1999 UI
Device management In device list views, when a device was deleted, any related child devices were deleted as well. This functionality has now been enhanced. On device deletion, any existing child hierarchy types, that is, not only devices but also additions and assets are deleted accordingly. DM-2003 UI
Device management On the Shell tab in the device details, when a shell command operation is created, its name now corresponds to the command text if available. If no command text is available then it displays the operation description. DM-2069 UI
Device management On bulk device registration views the Upload button is now disabled if there is no file selected or if the selected file is invalid. DM-1641 n/a
Device management By adding or removing an external identifier of type c8y_Serial to/from the monitored device, the device connection monitoring is notified accordingly to start or stop with the specified external identifier. MTM-50025 n/a
Device management The "Groups" column in the device list formerly displayed all groups higher in the hierarchy to which the device belonged directly or transitively. This has been fixed and now only the direct parent groups are displayed. DM-1870 n/a
Device management The option to copy the home page dashboard has been removed since it didn't provide useful functionality. DM-1869 n/a
Device management On the Measurements tab in the device details, a tooltip has been added which shows the whole values in case of truncated values in the Y-axis. Moreover, the information is provided that you can see the whole values by hovering over the axis. MTM-48603 n/a
Device management Devices can now send installed software information to the advanced-software-mgmt microservice without including the URL and software type. These parameters were incorrectly required before and are now made optional. DM-1431 n/a
Device management Fixed an issue where users could not find a location on the map based on the address they entered. MTM-49644 n/a
Device management In the Software repository page, the Add software dialog accepted a software without software type although the field Software type is mandatory. This has been fixed and the Add software button is now active only when the mandatory Software type field is filled. DM-1713 n/a
Device management In the Software repository page, sorting for the column "Device type" did not function properly. This issue is now fixed. DM-1712 n/a
Device management In case of many active alarms of different severities, in the "Active critical alarms" widget users might have needed to press the Load more button several times on an empty list in order to see their active critical alarms. This is now fixed - the widget always initially shows active critical alarms if available and the Load more button does not load empty pages. DM-1646 n/a
Device management On the Location tab in the device details, you can now again change the location of the device on the map by dragging the position marker. DM-1565 n/a
Device management The device registration wizard had several layout and functionality issues which were fixed by aligning it to the default platform user experience. DM-1335 n/a
Digital Twin Manager For assets created with the Digital Twin Manager, custom properties of the type "number" with the value "0" are now displayed properly as "0", not as "Undefined". MTM-49870 n/a
Loriot The memory limit for the Loriot microservice has been increased to 2Gi. DM-2427 Core
Loriot Events created by the Loriot agent when sending uplink requests are now considered device requests and provide connectivity status and availability monitoring. DM-2139 Core
LWM2M Bulk device registrations and other operations being executed on the LWM2M connector device now show the status FAILED if a problem occurs. Prior to this change, partial failures were reported as SUCCESSFUL. DM-1951 Core
LWM2M In certain cases, the registration couldn't be associated with a LWM2M 1.1 SEND request, leading to a 4.04 CoAP response. This is now fixed. DM-2270 Core
LWM2M The LWM2M Agent now ignores trailing commas at the end of object links in the registration request of a LWM2M client. DM-2342 Core
LWM2M The LWM2M agent is now able to properly convert the timestamps from the SenML data reported by the LWM2M client to a platform compatible date-time format for performing respective resource actions. DM-2150 Core
LWM2M Custom actions were not always executed if a LWM2M device used a SEND operation to report the whole LWM2M object data. This issue is now resolved and the custom actions are always executed for the resource instances for which they are defined. DM-2188 Core
LWM2M Multi-line LWM2M post-operations were not executed right after the LWM2M device's new registration when realtime was disabled for the tenant who owns the device. As a result the device might not receive these operations until the next LWM2M device's registration update. This issue is now resolved and LWM2M post-operations are executed right after the LWM2M device's new registration, no matter whether realtime is enabled or not for this kind of devices. DM-2100 Core
LWM2M Two new LWM2M shell commands have been added.
- The new executelegacy command allows LWM2M execute requests with non-standard LWM2M parameters. The behavior of this operation resembles the semantics of the existing execute operation until version 10.15.
- The new coap shell command enables making raw CoAP requests to devices to facilitate non-standard communication in exceptional cases.
For details, refer to LWM2M > Handling LWM2M shell commands in the Protocol integration guide.
DM-2153 Core
LWM2M During the LWM2M client registration, if the agent failed to find the registered device from the database due to a communication problem, an internal object related to the device managed object was automatically removed by the agent. Afterwards, LWM2M clients always failed to connect. This is now fixed and the internal object is only removed if the actual device managed object does not exist in the database. DM-2131 core
LWM2M The LWM2M device type can be freely chosen by the user. Therefore, devices which do not have the type "c8y_lwm2m" but still are LWM2M devices now also show the LWM2M bootstrap parameters view. DM-2066 UI
LWM2M In certain cases the migration of LWM2M devices registered on versions before 10.15 reported "Unable to process device" for certain devices. This happened due to adjustments to the device configuration, for example when editing the registration lifetime. With this fix, the migration logic robustness has been improved. DM-2022 Core
LWM2M In the older Leshan demo client, the device registration requests for the Cumulocity IoT LWM2M demo device and possibly also some other devices could contain spaces between the core link separators. This was successfully handled by the LWM2M agent 10.14 and below but caused the LWM2M agent 10.15 and above to reject these device requests. Now, the LWM2M server accepts these requests again. The older device registration requests can be processed again. DM-2070 Core
LWM2M A new LWM2M device configuration option has been added to control if the persisted values in the Objects tab get removed in case a read, write or observe observation fails. The option is configurable in the new single device registration in the advanced settings or by having the "c8y_GenericUI_retainOldValuesIfError" fragment in the LWM2M device managed object. For details refer to LWM2M > Registering LWM2M devices > Advanced settings in the Protocol integration guide. DM-1560 n/a
LWM2M The LWM2M agent now allows users to write binary data to a resource on a device using a shell operation. For more details about the shell command, refer to LWM2M > Handling LWM2M shell commands in the Protocol integration guide. DM-1241 n/a
LWM2M By default, the LWM2M object-resource mappings of the Management tenant that are configured using the LWM2M device protocols were not inherited by the subtenants. With this change, the LWM2M object-resource mappings defined in the Management tenant are applied to all its subtenants by default. The default mappings from the Management tenant can also be overwritten by uploading the LWM2M device protocol for the LWM2M object on the subtenant level as described in LWM2M > LWM2M device protocols in the Protocol integration guide. DM-1778 n/a
LWM2M While updating the security info for PSK devices in the database, the LWM2M agent internally deleted the old security managed object and created a new one. Due to the asynchronous deletion of managed objects in the Cumulocity IoT platform, the agent intermittently failed to update the security info. With the current changes, the LWM2M agent updates the required security details in the same managed object instead of removing it first. DM-1671 n/a
LWM2M - The LWM2M FOTA process now raises an alarm if the observation to the update state resource of object 5 cannot be established.
-All CoAP requests sent to devices and corresponding responses are now consistently logged.
DM-1711 n/a
LWM2M The LWM2M agent now fetches a limited number of pending operations if a LWM2M device sends a registration or a registration update. This prevents the LWM2M agent to do a high number of requests to the platform if devices have accumulated lots of pending operations. The limit is defined with a property in the LWM2M agent. DM-1474 n/a
LWM2M A security vulnerability CVE-2022-39368 was found in Leshan 2.0.0-M8 and Californium 3.6.0. The dependencies were updated to the latest versions Leshan 2.0.0-M9 and Californium 3.7.0. DM-1734 n/a
LWM2M On the Objects tab in the device details, if you select an object containing a timestamp resource, the text box which displays the timestamp now receives the correct timestamp data type and no error message is displayed. DM-1673 n/a
LWM2M - The LWM2M agent always retrieved the external decoder events from one month back only. So if an event remained unprocessed over a month, then it wasn't processed anymore. The time period is now configurable from the agent's configuration.
- Events, measurements, and alarms created by the LWM2M agent are flushed every 10 mins. If a high number of devices connects concurrently or in a short time period, the size of the queue can increase significantly, which in turn leads to high memory usage until all elements are flushed. The flush time interval can now be configured from the agent's properties.
DM-1602 n/a
OPC UA If the namespace is not defined for a specific node, a missing error handler in the past prevented completion of the scan operation. This is now fixed by skipping nodes that cannot be read. The opcua-device-gateway logs include further details in such cases. The log level INFO contains the failure message and the log level DEBUG contains the stacktrace. DM-1920 Core
OPC UA In case of bad connectivity or network delay gateway devices could go to a state where they were disconnected. This resulted in operation execution being suspended. This issue is now resolved. DM-2037 Core
OPC UA On editing the OPC UA device details, the data reporting value is now always saved properly. DM-1668 n/a
OPC UA Canceling the editing of a variable in the OPC UA device protocol no longer resets the variable data subscriptions to default. DM-592 n/a
OPC UA Due to a change introduced in 10.14, the opcua-device-gateway on OPC UA server connects or reconnects did a full device type matching with a comparison of device types to the server's address space to find matched nodes and the application of these matched nodes. With this fix, the opcua-device-gateway directly applies the matched nodes settings if there was a matching done previously and no more recent updates to the device types were done. DM-1651 n/a