Application enablement

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cockpit In the data point library, if the max value of a datapoint is 0 it is now correctly displayed in the range display. MTM-58555 ui-c8y

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Web SDK Fixed an issue where the text for a link on the Login screen was cut off. MTM-53597 ui-c8y

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Java SDK The dependency to org.json:json has been removed from the Java SDK. MTM-53340 Core
Web SDK The dashboard time range values are now translated into other UI languages than English. MTM-56583 UI
Web SDK Issues with the tab navigation on mobile devices have been fixed. MTM-56029 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cockpit If a user drags the X-axis in a "Data point graph" widget with realtime enabled, realtime is turned off. It can be enabled again by clicking the real-time indicator. MTM-56149 UI
Microservice SDK The Spring Boot dependency has been updated to version 2.7.11. MTM-53342 Core
Web SDK The export of the @c8y/client package was missing the required types which caused issues in certain setups. This has been adjusted. MTM-56385 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cockpit Editing smart rules could be impossible due to missing (removed) devices. Now missing devices are removed automatically, and smart rules can be edited properly. MTM-49364 Core
Cockpit If the Cockpit application was configured to remove all common tabs on group or device level, the button to add dashboards was also unintentionally removed. This has been addressed. MTM-56025 UI
Cockpit The data export feature in the data explorer has been improved. Now only active data points are included. Moreover, the name of the exported file includes the name of the series. This file contains all measurements in which this series is found. MTM-50586 UI
Web SDK Fixed an issue with c8ycli locale-extract on Windows where the extracted locales.pot file didn't contain any entries. MTM-56234 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cockpit In rare cases, when a real-time connection was interrupted, certain widgets, for example, did not update again once the connection was re-established. This behavior has been fixed. MTM-55843 UI
Cockpit The tooltip in the "Linear gauge" widget no longer overflows the widget card. Moreover, the tooltip color changes according to the type of the declared range (default, red or yellow). MTM-55005 UI
Cockpit An issue with module federation has been fixed. If the shell application was built on a Windows machine the modules have not been shared properly between shell and plugin. MTM-56213 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cockpit The Copy dashboard button is now disabled when the user does not have the respective permissions. MTM-53334 UI
Cockpit The width for the timestamp in the "Event list" widget has been slightly increased. MTM-55803 UI
Cockpit The mapWidgetPageSize parameter is now also considered if a group is selected for the "Map" widget. MTM-55558 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Web SDK On branded applications, the main branding colors are now also used to brand SVG images and dashboards by automatically generating shades of the primary brand color. MTM-55585 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cockpit In the "Data points graph" widget, when realtime is enabled and users double-click on a chart, the time range expands now and the data for the current range is shown. MTM-55199 UI
Cockpit Fixed an issue where the group icon did not change its state from closed to open. MTM-54973 UI
Java SDK Resolved an issue where multiple realtime API subscriptions made in quick succession could cause an invalid subscription state, leading to subscriptions receiving duplicate notifications. MTM-55422 Core
Web SDK Blueprints are no longer shown in the application switcher in case they have not been deployed. MTM-55619 UI
Web SDK An issue has been fixed where the asset widget was not rendering if deeply nested custom properties were selected. MTM-55306 UI
Web SDK Custom Web SDK implementations using the ContextDashboardComponent are now shown with the correct title instead of an empty one. MTM-55251 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cockpit The KPI widget shows the correct previous value when hovering over the trend indicator, if no real-time updates have been received yet. MTM-55095 UI
Cockpit In the data explorer, when deleting the min/max value of a data point, the Y-axis displayed "-1" and "1" instead of determining the maximum and minimum value based on the data. This has been fixed and the Y-axis shows the min/max value of the data again. MTM-54008 UI
Java SDK Fixed an issue in the Java realtime notification SDK where a client would stop trying to re-establish a subscription after receiving a "402::Unknown client" error from the Cumulocity IoT platform. The impact of this issue was that future notifications would not be delivered to the client. Typically, the problem was observed after the subscription was moved from one Cumulocity IoT core node to another, for example after a core restart or a network outage. This issue has now been resolved, and the notification subscription is transparently restored with no impact to the client. MTM-54196 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Web SDK Data grid components no longer persist their current page. After reloading they always return to the first page in the list. DM-1830 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cockpit Activating or deactivating child assets is now executed with a single request. MTM-49732 UI
Cockpit The asset selection in the datapoint selector is now filterable. MTM-54463 UI
Cockpit In case the doNotAddGlobalFragmentByDefault option has been set in the configuration of the DatapointLibraryModule, the c8y_Global fragment is no longer unintentionally set to null during the creation of a new data point library entry. MTM-54213 UI
Web SDK On developing a widget plugin with the Web SDK, a dependency issue could occur due to a missing dependency in the package.json. This missing dependency has now been added. MTM-54393 UI
Web SDK In the application plugin view, if multiple packages (subscribed and custom) were available for the same widget, the platform displayed multiple entries for the same installed plugin. Now only one plugin is shown. MTM-54208 UI
Web SDK The return types of several static functions of Angular modules have been adjusted. In certain cases this previously caused an error message like "Unable to evaluate this expression statically". This is now resolved. MTM-54674 UI
Web SDK The data points graph now displays alarms using either its firstOccurrenceTime, time or creationTime attribute instead of only using creationTime.
Alarms are now displayed with a minimum width of one pixel, to assure that alarms with a very short duration, for example, alarms created with a CLEARED status, are displayed.
The alarm tooltip in the data points graph now displays the lastUpdated timestamp in the user's timezone and format.
MTM-54596 UI


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cockpit In the datapoint library, it is now possible to pick fragment and series from an existing datapoint. MTM-52704 UI
Cockpit In order to improve the Welcome page by providing more meaningful information, a "Markdown" widget is now available on dashboards. The widget can be used to display markdown content either from a URL or from a file. MTM-49220 n/a
Cockpit Instead of subscribing to updates of all devices a user has access to, the HTML widget now only subscribes to devices referenced in the widget. MTM-45890 n/a
Web SDK The context help and other help links point to a documentation website defined by the application option docsBaseUrl. This option now supports the {{ version }} placeholder, which allows the administrator to choose whether to use versioned or unversioned documentation links. By default, versioned links will be used. MTM-41135 UI
Web SDK The HOOK_COMPONENTS now allows to lazily load the components used, for example, within widgets by utilizing the loadComponent and loadConfigComponent attributes of the DynamicComponentDefinition type (see MTM-51161 UI
Web SDK A new hook named "HOOK_VERSION" and the "hookVersion()" function have been introduced, which let you add your own versions. The user menu and the platform information have been moved to the right drawer. A JSON file can be downloaded with more platform details, such as information on the current user and tenant, which might, for example, be relevant for support and debugging purposes. MTM-45483 n/a
Web SDK Instead of the "HOOK_" prefixed InjectionTokens that were used to extend the UI, we now offer a set of functions that can be used. These functions have the benefit of being typed, so a developer knows exactly what options are available for that specific hook. The same InjectionTokens are still used in the background, so they are not deprecated as of now. However, we recommend developers to start using the hook functions instead. The new functions are prefixed with "hook", so instead of the "HOOK_NAVIGATOR_NODES", the "hookNavigator()" function can now be used. Details on how to use these functions can be found in the documentation or the Tutorial application. MTM-49540 n/a
Web SDK Plugins installed on an application can now be upgraded/downgraded if another version than the installed one is available. In addition a view that allows to install/update/downgrade plugins has been added to the blueprint setup steps. MTM-48932 n/a
Web SDK The ApiService of the Web SDK now supports intercepting all requests that are performed via the FetchClient. Thus, modifications can now be done on the requests/responses before they are sent/received. An example implementation can be found as part of the Tutorial application. MTM-49338 n/a


Product area Description Issue Build version Build comp.
Cockpit Fixed an issue where the default group icon was displayed instead of the corresponding asset icon. MTM-53403 UI
Cockpit Fixed an issue where users were not able to see all top-level node groups, even if they had the required permissions. MTM-53394 UI
Cockpit The latest events are now correctly displayed in the data point graph, even if a custom interval has been selected. MTM-52175 UI
Cockpit The table used for the SCADA widget configuration has been replaced by a list group, allowing better visualization of data and actions. MTM-51932 UI
Cockpit Improved the localization of the dialog window titles for adding and editing dashboards and reports. MTM-51106 UI
Cockpit Fixed a localization issue in the tooltip of the Load More button in the custom Cockpit application configuration. MTM-52177 UI
Cockpit The datapoint library now correctly parses older datapoint library entries, which stored numeric values as strings instead of numbers in the JSON object. MTM-51785 UI
Cockpit An issue has been fixed that caused AngularJS widgets to not show up in the Add widget dialog. MTM-51482 UI
Cockpit Mappings for the Scada widget are stored in English and only translated in the display. MTM-45278 n/a
Cockpit On editing a widget configuration, device attributes are now resolved properly. MTM-50011 n/a
Cockpit In the data explorer, the Create smart rule option has been added back to the context menu for datapoint selection list items. MTM-49612 n/a
Cockpit The "Help and Service" widget icons are no longer missing after a hard refresh. MTM-47547 n/a
Cockpit The alert message which shows up if a widget still references a deleted device has been improved to provide more clarity for the user. This change has been implemented in the following widgets: "Data points list", "Radial gauge", "Linear gauge", "Silo" and "Pie chart". MTM-45516 n/a
Cockpit The "Welcome" widget is now reliably displaying the Register device link as long as the "Devicemanagement" application is subscribed to the tenant. MTM-49324 n/a
Java SDK Fixed an issue with the AlarmRepresentation comparison in the equals and hashcode methods. Now, instead of comparing the full ManagedObjectRepresentation as the source of alarms, Cumulocity IoT only compares the managed objects ID. There is no change in ManagedObjectRepresentation. MTM-49181 n/a
Microservice SDK The Spring Boot dependency has been updated to version 2.7.11. MTM-53342 Core
Microservice SDK The Microservice SDK is now based on Spring Boot 2.7.6, using Spring Security 5.7.5. MTM-49761 n/a
Microservice SDK The Microservice SDK is now based on Spring Boot 2.7.6, using Spring Framework 5.3.24. MTM-48361 n/a
UI Corrected Japanese localizations in the App configuration page and in the Add smart rules dialog. MTM-52050 UI
UI The German localization in the Connect smartphone wizard has been corrected. MTM-51935 UI
UI If the backend returns a 401 error, the UI (the AngularJS part) checks if the user must be logged out by requesting the current user endpoint. If more than one request returns a 401 error, the UI will logout the user only once. Prior to this fix, the logout was called several times. MTM-45204 n/a
UI Resizing widgets on smartphones now depends on the size and orientation of the screen. MTM-46526 n/a
Web SDK The optional links of a package shown in the packages details now point to the right location. MTM-52691 UI
Web SDK The optional links of a package shown in the packages details now point to the right location. MTM-52691 UI
Web SDK An issue with the "copy dashboard" functionality has been addressed. The device context of a configured widget is now again replaced by the context it has been pasted to. This applies, for example, to the selected asset or to datapoints. MTM-52374 UI
Web SDK Datapoints no longer contain irrelevant data from the template after the link to the template has been removed. The datapoint now only contains the data from the template which is relevant for the current context. MTM-51682 UI
Web SDK Added examples for developers on how to bundle images correctly into a plugin. These examples are shown when you scaffold a new widget-plugin application with the c8ycli tool. MTM-50721 UI
Web SDK The DatapointSelectorModule can now be used in a module federation plugin. MTM-52251 UI
Web SDK The HOOK_WIZARD can now be used in a module federation plugin. MTM-51776 UI
Web SDK Opening the widget configuration for a microfrontend plugin multiple times does no longer cause performance issues in the UI. MTM-50306 UI
Web SDK The DynamicComponentService now waits for all plugins to be loaded before emitting the first value via its items$ observable. MTM-50985 UI
Web SDK A toggle has been added to the plugin installation dialog, which allows to filter the plugin versions for only the latest version or all versions. MTM-50901 UI
Web SDK The "Pie chart" widget now works properly again when the provided values are negative numbers. MTM-49071 n/a
Web SDK The @types/webpack dependency has been removed from the apps scaffolded from the @c8y/apps package. This fixes some issues building these apps that appeared lately. MTM-49460 n/a
Web SDK The UI dependency "@claviska/jquery-minicolors" has been updated to version v2.3.6, as it blocked the UI from being embedded in an iframe. MTM-49643 n/a
Web SDK The typeahead component now works correctly with reactive forms. MTM-48833 n/a
Web SDK With this fix, the GB date format is again set as the default instead of the US date format. MTM-49462 n/a
Web SDK The c8y_Global fragment is no longer missing on newly created datapoint library entries. In addition the DatapointLibraryModule can now be configured to not add the c8y_Global fragment or let the user decide if it should be added. MTM-49213 n/a