
With the Branding feature, you can fully customize the look of your tenant to your own preferences. To access the Branding feature:

Log in to the Management tenant using the Edge administrator credentials created during the installation:

Switch to the Administration application using the application switcher at the right of the top bar Application switcher.

Go to Settings > Enterprise tenant and follow the instructions detailed in Branding.

Monitoring the Edge metrics

In your Cumulocity IoT cloud tenant, you can monitor the measurements of the Edge appliance listed in the table below. To monitor the measurements from your cloud tenant, ensure that you have registered your Edge appliance with the Cumulocity IoT cloud tenant. See Registering the Edge appliance in the Cumulocity IoT tenant for more information.

Disk space - Total disk space
- Free disk space
- Used disk space
- Percentage of used disk space
The Edge appliance sends the disk space metrics as a measurement for both installation disk and data disk, every 10 minutes. The measurements are sent in gigabytes (GB) rounded to two decimal places. The percentage is rounded to one decimal place. The data points for this measurement are:

- c8y_InstallationDisk
- c8y_DataDisk

If Edge is unable to read the metrics from the installation disk or the data disk, an alarm is sent to the Cumulocity IoT tenant. The alarms have a minor severity and the data points for the alarms are:

- c8y_FileSystemMeasurementErrorInstallationDisk
- c8y_FileSystemMeasurementErrorDataDisk
Memory (RAM) - Total RAM
- Free RAM
- Used RAM
- Percentage of RAM used
The Edge appliance sends the memory usage metrics as a measurement every 5 seconds in gibibytes (GiB). The data point for this measurement is c8y_Memory

If Edge is unable to read the metrics from the memory, an alarm is sent to the Cumulocity IoT tenant. The data point for the alarm is:

- c8y_MemoryMeasurementError.
CPU Percentage of CPU used

Unit: Percentage
The Edge appliance sends the percentage of CPU used at intervals over 5 seconds, 60 seconds, and 600 seconds. The data points for this measurement are:

- c8y_CpuUsage5Seconds
- c8y_CpuUsage60Seconds
- c8y_CpuUsage600Seconds

If Edge is unable to read the metrics from the CPU, an alarm is sent to the Cumulocity IoT tenant. The data point for the alarm is:

- c8y_CPUMeasurementError.
Disk I/O - Data read per second
- Data written per second

Unit: KB/s
The Edge appliance sends the disk input/output metrics as a measurement for both installation disk and data disk at intervals over 5 seconds, 60 seconds, and 600 seconds. The data points for this measurement are:

- c8y_DataDiskIo5Seconds
- c8y_DataDiskIo60Seconds
- c8y_DataDiskIo600Seconds
- c8y_InstallationDiskIo5Seconds
- c8y_InstallationDiskIo60Seconds
- c8y_InstallationDiskIo5Seconds

If Edge is unable to read the metrics from the disk, an alarm is sent to the Cumulocity IoT tenant. The data point for the alarm is:

- c8y_DiskIOMeasurementError.
Network - Data and packets sent per second
- Data and packets received per second

Unit: KB/s and packets/s
The Edge appliance sends the network metrics as a measurement at intervals over 5 seconds, 60 seconds, and 600 seconds. The data points for this measurement are:

- c8y_NetworkInterface_lo-5Seconds
- c8y_NetworkInterface_lo-60Seconds
- c8y_NetworkInterface_lo-600Seconds

If Edge is unable to read the metrics from the network, an alarm is sent to the Cumulocity IoT tenant. The data point for the alarm is:

- c8y_NetworkIoMeasurementError.

To monitor the metrics in your Cumulocity IoT tenant, you can create a dashboard and add widgets in the Cockpit application of your tenant. For more information about creating dashboards, see Cockpit > Dashboards in the User guide.

Also, you can define smart rules to create alerts or raise alarms for the metrics. For example, when the free disk space is less than 5 GB, create an alert. For more information about smart rules, see Cockpit > Smart rules in the User guide.

Developing Cumulocity IoT web applications

If you develop a Cumulocity IoT web application using the Web SDK, for an Edge appliance configured with a certificate not trusted by Node.js (for example, a self-signed certificate), then you must ensure that Node.js trusts the root certificate.

To add the Edge appliance’s self-signed certificate to the Node.js trust store, set the environment variable NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS to the path of the certificate before executing the npm commands.


On Windows Powershell:


On Windows command prompt:

set NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=<path-to-the-certificate>\certificate.pem

On Linux platforms:

export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=<path-to-the-certificate>/certificate.pem

For more information on the Cumulocity IoT web application development, see the Web SDK guide.