Core platform & devices



Component Description Issue
Karaf/OSGI The Log4j library has been updated to version 2.16 to mitigate CVE-2021-44228. MTM-42885



Component Description Issue
Cockpit Fixed an issue in the "Alarm list" widget where the UI did not correctly filter by type. MTM-39937
Documentation To improve clarity, the required permission for revoking a secret in a two-factor authentication setup has been stated more clearly, see Administration > Two-factor authentication in the User guide. MTM-38764
Security Security has been improved by preventing HTTPS redirects with invalid HOST headers. MTM-38168



Component Description Issue
UI Translation issues with several UI strings have been resolved. MTM-38376



Component Description Issue
Documentation Documentation user experience has been enhanced with the ability to maintain your position in the documentation whilst changing the release version via the dropdown at the top. MTM-38347
Documentation It is now possible to copy the URL of all headings with a hover over button. This makes it easy to share a specific documentation location. MTM-37265
LWM2M In the LWM2M documentation, the description for the "awakeTimeRegistrationParameter" registration field has been updated to provide more details, see Optional services > LWM2M > Registering LWM2M devices in the User guide. MTM-38635


Component Description Issue
Administration Fixed validation issue on changing the password by opening the link sent by the administrator (for example, during account provisioning). Passwords now must be classified as strong when strong password enforcement is activated in the platform settings. Therefore the Save button will be inactive until the strength indicator becomes green. MTM-38479
Cockpit An issue with the date time picker in the "Data point graph" widget has been fixed. The "Show date selection" option now works correctly. MTM-38375



Component Description Issue
CEP (Esper) Some Java library calls have been disabled in this release for security reasons. If you have Esper CEL that uses Java system calls, you should test your application carefully in an upgraded test environment before upgrading your production environment. MTM-37710
Documentation The Device SDK guide now explains that for device communication the username but not the user alias should be used for authentication, see Device integration using MQTT and Device integration using REST. MTM-37807



Component Description Issue
Administration Implemented translation-related changes:
- Improved matching for multiline translation strings.
- Fixed issue where strings were not translated upon page load/refresh or user translation changes.
- Fixed minor bugs caused by missing translation pipes.
Core product Fixed handling big values for measurements provided via scientific notification. Values are now stored as floating point type. MTM-37811



Component Description Issue
Administration The tenant password policy widget is now aligned with the page flow. MTM-37387
Cockpit For export configurations, the checkbox for the time range selection now correctly reflects the saved configuration when opened for editing. MTM-37685
Core product Emails sent by the platform were encoded using a 7-bit character set. This caused some characters (for example Japanese symbols) to be replaced by "?" as they were not included in the character set. This issue has been fixed and UTF-8 characters will now be represented correctly in emails. MTM-38002
Device Monitoring In the case that availability monitoring for a device was deactivated, alarms were still incorrectly being raised to indicate a device was unavailable. This behaviour has now been corrected. MTM-37863
Report-agent When migrating smart-rule-based schedules to the new reporting agent, the platform will make sure they are activated right away, without any required extra action from user side. MTM-37718



Component Description Issue
Authentication The QR code for the TOTP configuration is now generated by JS framework instead of Google API. MTM-37833
Cockpit Users can now again add or edit dashboards if they have given the permission by inventory roles; they do no longer need to have ADMIN or inventory WRITE permission. MTM-35451
Documentation Details on the Java-based client library have been added to the Microservice SDK guide, see Microservice SDK for Java > Client library. MTM-37105
Documentation The description of the dynamic client awake time has been added to the LWM2M documentation, see LWM2M > Registering LWM2M devices in the User guide. MTM-34195
Web SDK The Web SDK CLI tool (c8ycli) is now working with NodeJS 15 and npm 7. MTM-37412


Component Description Issue
Documentation The description of the handling of custom domain names in the Enterprise tenant documentation has been improved for more clarity, see Enterprise Tenant > Customizing your platform in the User guide. MTM-33926



Component Description Issue
Device monitoring Devices are now immediately marked as unavailable when the response interval expires. Alarms will be raised after 3 minutes delay to be sure that the state of the devices is synchronized within the database. MTM-34737
REST API Username validation and NewDeviceRequest validation have been improved. MTM-37120


Component Description Issue
Administration In the User page, changing the password for the current user is now working. MTM-37314
Device monitoring Improved the performance of monitoring device availability when monitoring a large number of devices. MTM-36213
Device monitoring Under certain circumstances, the availability status of devices could show wrong information. This has been fixed so the availability status now is always accurate. The availability calculation now also takes into account correctly the setting for "0" as documented. MTM-36103
Report agent The add/edit/duplicate/delete options are now hidden when the user does not have the permission to change export schedules, or the report-service is not subscribed. MTM-37312
Web SDK Improved app-subscription to avoid a race condition bug when applying branding to an application. This was often leading to not/wrong applied branding when creating a new branding. MTM-37276
Web SDK An issue has been fixed where the login was in English instead of the browser language setting. Language codes are now resolved correctly for the Japanese language. MTM-37059



Component Description Issue
Data Broker When validating the data-broker connector the test has been improved to ensure it works correctly in all cases. MTM-36786
Cockpit The behaviour of the Scroll lock toggle in the "Data point table" widget has been clarified by changing its label to Auto-scroll and adding a tooltip, see Cockpit > Widgets collection in the User guide. MTM-34173
Two-factor Authentication If the session times out for a user logged in with TFA enabled, a login screen is displayed. MTM-36853


Component Description Issue
Administration Fixed issue, when UI was treating file size limits in bits instead of bytes. MTM-35966
Device Management In the search result page, when users click the Add group link they will now be able to enter a group name and create a group from the listed devices. MTM-35089
Enterprise tenant In the Branding tab, the validation of the favicon has been fixed. It is now again possible to upload an .ico file. MTM-36883
Realtime The error response from the real-time endpoint will not return sensitive server information. MTM-37026
Sigfox The list of available contracts displayed in the Sigfox device registration now includes contracts with activationEndTime = 0 and maxTokens=0 because, according to the Sigfox documentation, 0 should be considered as unlimited. MTM-36756



Component Description Issue
Documentation Details on the functionality of the smart rule “On measurement threshold create alarm” have been updated in Cockpit > Smart rules collection in the User guide. MTM-34765
LWM2M The LWM2M device client awake time can now be defined in the device managed object if the device does not send it during registration. Preference is given to the client awake time (awaketimeRegistrationParameter) defined in the device managed object. MTM-34152
LWM2M A new parameter, C8Y.lwm2mMaxRequestTimeout, has been introduced to allow the request timeout to be set at the individual device. The default value is 10 minutes. The lwm2mRequestTimeout specified at the device managed object and the global C8Y.lwm2mRequestTimeout should always be less than the C8Y.lwm2mMaxRequestTimeout value. The order in which these timeouts are used is: first lwm2mRequestTimeout and if that is not defined then the global lwm2mRequestTimeout value is used. MTM-34081
LWM2M Added support for old content format codes: TLV (1542) and JSON (1543). MTM-36250
Smart rules The smart rule “On measurement threshold create alarm” will create an alarm if the configuration is not valid when the rule is executed. MTM-34500
Web SDK A new property "i18Extra" is available for the application options to add custom translations. MTM-31545


Component Description Issue
Administration The tenant option sms77.api.key is now prefixed with "credentials." implicitly in order to fetch the correct option value. MTM-34362
Administration When handling timezones in the tenant usage statistics, the timezone information is now taken into account. MTM-35137
Administration The menu item for the SMS provider setting is now only visible in the navigator if the microservice for the SMS functionality (sms-gateway) is subscribed to the corresponding tenant. MTM-35261
Administration In the Inventory tab, a user without relevant permission will no longer see the inventory tree. Moreover, the error message being displayed if a user doesn´t have relevant permissions now shows the correct information. In the Application access tab, a user without relevant permission will no longer be able to edit. MTM-33393
Cockpit Resolved an issue where SCADA widgets were not rendered correctly, which was caused by old data stored on dashboards. MTM-34303
Cockpit Filtering in the events list widget no longer ignores the event type set by the user. MTM-34482
Cockpit Fixed issue occurring on the migration of export schedules. Performing the migration via the UI by clicking Migrate now in the exports page, lead to multiple export mails being sent. MTM-34497
Cockpit Copying a dashboard from one device to another will now show the correct source. MTM-33042
Cockpit Fixed an issue where the service responsible for fetching data for a given series was merging multiple requests into a single one. As a result, some charts could display a warning about truncated data even when they contained series with small amount of data. MTM-34585
Data Broker The error message that shows up when a data-broker connector cannot be created now includes details, such as the SSL certificate problem with the destination URL. MTM-35686
Device Management In the Device Management application, device protocols for Modbus had created SmartREST templates with an incorrect order of coils and registers. This issue has been fixed; newly created Modbus device protocols show the correct ordering now. To get the fix into your already created Modbus device protocols, you must save them again in Device Management > Device types > Device protocols. MTM-31190
Device Management Device permissions are now correctly resolved after changing the device owner. MTM-30410
Device Management A Load more button has been added to the child devices view for displaying larger numbers of devices. MTM-34473
Device Management Fixed an issue where the Measurement tab in the Device details sometimes was not shown. MTM-35140
Device Management In the Device Management application, device protocols for Modbus had created SmartREST templates with an incorrect order of coils and registers. This issue has been fixed; newly created Modbus device protocols show the correct ordering now. To get the fix into your already created Modbus device protocols, you must save them again in Device Management > Device types > Device protocols. MTM-31190
Enterprise Tenant After changing/saving the admin user´s phone number in the tenant editor it is now updated correctly in the subtenants. MTM-34388
LWM2M LWM2M bootstrap parameters are now displayed on the device details page. MTM-32654
LWM2M LWM2M object models are now stored separately for each tenant and should not get overridden when they are loaded again into the LWM2M agent. MTM-35000
LWM2M The number of pending operation executions in the post-registration process can now be limited. For details, see Optional services > LightweightM2M > Handling LWM2M post registration actions in the User guide. MTM-36082
LWM2M When upgrading from 10.6.0 to 10.6.6 or later version, the LWM2M observations are preserved. MTM-35214
MongoDB Improved MongoDB performance that was impacted when counting documents. MTM-35111
OPC UA HTTP POST action request body now is UTF-8 encoded. MTM-34487
REST API Additional validation has been added to check the occurrence of control characters in messages sent by MQTT. Allowed characters are "\n \t \r". MTM-34174
Single Sign On Login with SSO is again possible without the requestOrigin parameter. MTM-34221
Smart rules On creating or updating a "On measurement threshold create alarm" smart rule, validation of global threshold ranges in the Data Point Library has been added. MTM-32926
Two-factor authentication Issue fixed when logging in as a support user, once the tenant ID is provided in the user input on the login screen. MTM-35125
UI Changed translation for "Cockpit" in Russian. Added translation for "Cookie" section labels in the branding configuration form. MTM-33103
Web SDK Fixed the issue related to the lastDeviceMessage in the SCADA widget which did not display the occurrence of the last communication. Monitoring is now done on the following APIs: /measurements, /events, /operations, /alarms for last communication occurrence. MTM-33322
Web SDK It is now possible to load custom widgets written in Angular with Cumulocity IoT Web SDK 10.6.x. The correct config-context is now passed to the widgets. MTM-35423
Web SDK Fixed the following build error "ERROR in node_modules/@c8y/ngx-components/core/forms/schema-form.component.d.ts:2:34 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@angular/upgrade/static'." which occurred in the Angular applications created with Angular CLI and with added @c8y/cli package. MTM-34542


Release is a re-build of release created for technical reasons.


Component Description Issue
C# SDK A new version of the C# SDK, which is compatible with .Net Core 3.1, has been released to MTM-33307
Various If the Google geolocation service does not know the WLAN that a smartbox device sends to the Cumulocity IoT platform, it will no longer use the center of Germany as fall back but throw a 404 exception instead. MTM-33996


Component Description Issue
Administration The support user up until now was not able to change another account's password because the "Confirm password" dialog would not accept the support user's current password. This issue has been fixed, and now the support user is able to change the password for another account successfully. MTM-32577
Cockpit After selecting 2 (two) series of the same measurement type, issues were detected with exporting the measurements from the data explorer in the Cockpit, which is now fixed. MTM-31421
REST API Real-time notifications for managed object updates will send refreshed data if a device becomes unavailable. MTM-33401
Two-factor authentication The activity time for the support user is updated if SMS TFA is used. MTM-33015



Component Description Issue
Two-factor authentication Users with the login mode "OAuth internal" can now log in with a user alias. MTM-33743



Component Description Issue
Security Resolved incorrect support user elevated rights assignment in the management tenant. MTM-32527
Web SDK Binaries uploaded via the Web SDK now have the correct file type. MTM-29893



Component Description Issue
Actility New advanced settings have been introduced for the Java Microservice SDK that allow the developer to alter the connection pool settings. These settings can be considered to be used if the request/connection times out or no route to host exceptions are being experienced for the requests to the microservice. These settings should only be altered where the network environment is fully understood.

The following properties, which can be specified in the microservice's property file, are available:
"C8Y.httpClient.httpReadTimeout" (default: 180000 in ms)
"C8Y.httpClient.pool.enabled" (default: true)
"C8Y.httpClient.pool.perHost" (default: 50)
"C8Y.httpClient.pool.max" (default: 100)
"C8Y.httpClient.pool.awaitTimeout" (default: 10000 in ms)

Actility microservice:
The httpClient configurations for concurrent request limit to the Cumulocity IoT host (C8Y.httpClient.pool.perHost) and maximum number of connection limit (C8Y.httpClient.pool.max) have increased by default with the following setting in the microservice’s property file:



Component Description Issue
Administration The OpenIT service URL has been changed from to MTM-33053
Cockpit Image icons in the Location tab of a device are now displayed properly. MTM-32795
Data Broker An issue has been fixed with concurrent activation of multiple data broker connectors. MTM-31946
Microservices Resolved the issue that an enterprise tenant could not see the logs from its own instance of a PER_TENANT microservice when the management tenant was the owner. MTM-32487
SMS microservice sms-gateway no longer returns an error when the receiptRequest element is not provided in the request. MTM-32957



Component Description Issue
C# SDK The C# SDK has been updated to work with .net 3.1. MTM-30183
Cockpit A new reporting agent microservice has been implemented to allow scheduled reports with Apama Streaming Analytics. Previously existing configurations of schedulers may automatically be migrated to the new agent via the UI. After migration is complete, the new UI allows the creation of schedules using the new report agent microservice. MTM-28500
Cockpit The welcome widget has been modified. The new welcome widget comes in two versions, which show different messages and quick links, based on the tenant type of the user (regular or trial tenant). MTM-30226
Cockpit A new wizard is available to connect a smartphone to the platform. In the welcome widget of the Cockpit application a new quick-link card is shown: Connect smartphone. The new process is aligned with the new version of the "Cumulocity IoT Sensor App" and will not work with the old application that might be already installed on your smartphone. MTM-30234
Cockpit The info message on the "Map" widget has been changed to "The map widget displays up to 100 devices." to better reflect the actual behavior, see also Cockpit > Widgets collection in the User guide. MTM-28744
Cockpit A new Cloud Sensor App icon has been included in the "Connect smartphone" wizard. MTM-32401
Core platform The Cumulocity IoT platform kernel now uses Karaf 4.2.8, driven by the Java 11 upgrade. MTM-29755
Core platform Java mongo driver has been upgraded to version 3.12 to support mongodb version 4.2, driven by Mongo 3.x running out of support. MTM-31006
Core platform Jackson upgraded to latest version 2.9.9. MTM-29584
Core platform The process of reading and writing measurement data from MongoDB has been significantly optimized, reducing the amount of CPU time required for those operations. MTM-29319
Data broker Improved data broker exception handling: when a connector is suspended data broker will immediately stop forwarding. MTM-30913
Data broker The internal processing on the "source" side has been improved: The Data Broker can now send measurements in bulks, separately for each connector. Data broker in-memory queues should overflow less frequently, because events not matching any connector are discarded faster. MTM-30779
Data Broker To improve performance, events are now also forwarded during device synchronization (ACTIVATING state). MTM-30910
Data Broker The following changes have been implemented for alarms on queue overflow:
- An alarm is now also sent when the output queue is full (similar to the alarm for the input queue).
- For output queues, the alarm text will include the affected connector.
- The alarm severity has been changed from CRITICAL to MAJOR.
Device integration A new agent for the Casa Systems (NetComm) routers of the NTC-220 series has been released. The cumulocity-ntc-agent v1.0.0 is available at For details, refer to the Casa Systems (NetComm) router in the Device integration tutorials. MTM-31982
Device Management In the Network tab of devices, the value "None" has been added to the Auth Type dropdown list in the WAN widget. MTM-30824
Device Management IIn the “Device Data” widget on the Info tab of Netcomm devices, the RSRP and RSRQ fragments have been added. MTM-30822
Device Management Added a type-ahead input component to the Web SDK. With this component, data can be selected with suggestions from data already stored in the platform. MTM-31425
Device Management If the device type is "NTC-220 Agent", predefined commands for the NTC-220 series are provided in the device shell. MTM-30723
Device Management Device logs can now also be displayed if they are stored as binary events within the platform. MTM-30655
Device Management The alarm list is now scrollable and alarms are loaded dynamically when scrolling the list. MTM-30325
Documentation Improved developer documentation on bulk device registration, see Device credentials > Bulk device credentials in the Reference guide. MTM-31230
Enterprise Tenant Certificates issued by unknown intermediate CAs are now supported for custom domains and can be uploaded with the full certificate chain. See also RFC 3280 section 3.2. MTM-27401
Enterprise Tenant The usage statistics daily export has been extended to include more information about the tenant. The additional information is on the naming of the file created as part of the usage statistics gathered for onward transmission to Software AG. No change has been made to any API available to customers. MTM-30610
Load Balancer Added new ports to connect via MQTT with round-robin scheduling to improve performance and scalability. MTM-31239
LWM2M UI output for shell commands has been improved to be less misleading. MTM-26971
LWM2M If a LWM2M device is registered with the same endpoint ID in multiple tenants, the device will be binded only to the tenant in which the device was first registered. The devices in the other tenants will be considered as duplicates and will not work. As notification, a major alarm is created stating that the device with this endpoint already exists. The alarm for the duplicates will be created immediately after device connection. However, if the device has already been connected and binded to the original tenant recently, the alarm creation may take some time until the microservice refreshes its caches. MTM-23560
Microservice In the microservice manifest, it is now possible to specify requested resources (CPU and memory) allowing values less than or equal to the default ones. MTM-30460
Microservice The Microservice SDK now requires Spring Boot 2.2.x. MTM-29673
Microservice A warning message will be shown when a user tries to download logs for a microservice and the log file is empty. MTM-30666
MongoDB MongoDB has been updated to the next stable release. Cumulocity IoT platform 10.6.6 now requires MongoDB 4.2. MTM-31015
MQTT Additional MQTT static templates "Set supported logs" (118) and "Set supported configurations" (119). For details, see MQTT > MQTT Static templates in the Device SDK guide. MTM-30761
MQTT An error message is now shown when creating a smart rest template without messageId. MTM-31178
MQTT MQTT queues are purged when MQTT device or tenant is deleted. MTM-31469
OPC UA The opcua-device-gateway docker tar file no longer contains multiple docker images. MTM-31452
REST API A new query parameter `forceCascade=true` for DELETE /inventory/managedObjects/{id} allows to cascade delete the full hierarchy regardless of the managed object type. MTM-32218
Security On password reset, after a configurable number of failed requests subsequent requests will be blocked for a configurable amount of time. Password reset no longer uses an internal technical user. MTM-27694
Sigfox Added validation for Sigfox data types for callbacks requests. MTM-20165
Sigfox Sigfox device registration form: Hex string validation added to ID and PAC input fields. MTM-30217
Sigfox On device registration, only active contracts with free slots will now be shown. MTM-30220
Sigfox If a device type is generated and its name exceeds 100 characters it will be truncated to fit the 100 characters name length limit on the Sigfox platform. MTM-29827
SmartRules Added a note to "on measurement threshold create alarm" smart rule about possible restrictions. MTM-30167
SNMP The SNMP agent and the Mibparser microservice code has been made open source. Now the code can be found in the Cumulocity IoT examples repository at MTM-30731
UI Two new languages have been added to the Cumulocity IoT UI: Korean, Polish. MTM-30803
UI Russian is now available as a standard language. MTM-31746
Web SDK The device and group dashboards have been migrated to Angular and can be imported to an existing app via the module ContextDashboardModule. The module provides a config() function which allows configuring certain parameters like widget filter and full-screen mode. MTM-28531


Component Description Issue
Actility/Sigfox The Actility and Sigfox microservices now start running much faster. MTM-30268
Administration Subscription no longer fails when there are leftovers from old deployments. MTM-28066
Administration Setting the parameter “supportUrl” to false in the application options will now hide the support link in the User menu. MTM-28984
Administration Adding or updating an inventory role now takes the user back to the Inventory roles tab while adding or updating a global role takes the user back to the Global roles tab. MTM-31422
C# SDK Fixed an issue that occurred when using the method MeasurementApi.CreateBulkWithoutResponse() from the Cumulocity IoT C# SDK. MTM-32066
C# SDK The microservice.ps1 can now be used without any issues. MTM-30925
C# SDK All exceptions thrown in platform API calls will now have a response body appended to provide more details to the developer. MTM-30924
Cockpit The search functionality has been improved. When you click on a device in a search result, the device details will open immediately. MTM-30265
Core platform Issues caused by not properly closing the input stream on uploading firmware have been fixed. MTM-30047
Core platform Alert details information is now displayed correctly even if an alert with the same text and type already exists. MTM-30859
Core platform All configurable email templates now support the {tenant-domain} placeholder. MTM-30291
Data Broker Device groups are no longer transferred outside of the source hierarchy when filtering by sourceId. MTM-31808
Data broker Data broker now also forwards child devices correctly when a connector filter is defined on a single device. MTM-30911
Data Broker The data broker now automatically retries requests which failed because the destination server closed long-lasting idle connections. This fix reduces the possibility to lose requests via data broker. MTM-32177
Device Management In the “Device Data” widget on the Info tab of Netcomm devices, a spelling error (RSCP instead of RCSP) has been fixed. MTM-30815
Device Management The position of a device, submitted in the Location tab, is now saved as floating point number instead of string. MTM-30313
Device Management The password tooltip for the device credentials has been changed to “Password must have at least 8 characters and no more than 32 and can only contain letters, numbers and the following symbols: `~!@#$%^&*()?;:\'",.<>{}[]\\/”. MTM-29790
Device Management The Device protocols page can now display more than 100 device protocols. MTM-29385
Device Management Fixed an issue where the Measurements tab in Device Management was only visible on reload. MTM-32265
Enterprise Tenant A missing error message when entering a wrong color code for the main color in the branding page has been added. MTM-29401
Enterprise Tenant Default values for light and dark branding colors have been added as placeholders in the tenant customization page. MTM-29625
Enterprise Tenant The branding option for changing hover-color now works correctly. MTM-31628
Logging Improved the load balancer configuration to not flood the error logs with meaningless entries. MTM-23462
LWM2M User tenant mappings overwrite management tenant mappings if the resource ID is the same for both user and management tenant, given that the user tenant mapping is not empty. MTM-31536
LWM2M The LWM2M object details page now displays the correct content when navigating between instances of the same object. MTM-32220
MQTT Log message "Can't find a ConnectionDescriptor" for MQTT has been moved to the Debug log level. MTM-30602
MQTT An error is published to the error channel whenever an illegal operation is used by a device using MQTT. MTM-30555
MQTT Alarm severity is no longer mandatory when updating an alarm using MQTT. MTM-31451
MQTT To improve performance, the MQTT queue limit for a tenant is now calculated based on the number of tenants, not based on the number of connected devices.  MTM-31468
MQTT The creation of subscriptions to MQTT topics has been changed to prevent subscriptions of unverified devices. A device is called unverified if the device definition (managed object) doesn’t include the "com_cumulocity_model_Agent" fragment. When trying to do so the client now gets an exception on one of the following topics: "s/e" for errors, "s/dl" for SmartREST 1.0 over MQTT and "s/dcr" for credentials for device registration.
Note that this change might lead to a situation where existing device registration processes no longer work if they so far did not comply with the device integration process. The basic life cycle for integrating devices into Cumulocity IoT using the MQTT implementation is described in Device integration using MQTT > Device integration in the Device SDK guide.
In case of any issues, ensure that the order of commands complies with the order described in this description.
Realtime When a user is logged in via SSO, the access to the /cep/notification endpoint is no longer prevented. MTM-31094
REST API Excel report files are no longer empty when using the "time" parameter in the export. The Excel file now shows the correct data. MTM-31620
UI The version popover in the navigator has been removed. The version is shown when clicking on the username. MTM-30476
UI Scaling issues with the title of the Welcome widget in the Cockpit Home screen have been fixed. MTM-31159
UI Layout issues with menu items in the navigator have been fixed. MTM-31168
UI Max number of chars validation of the Name field for global and inventory roles in the UI is now aligned with the BE validation. MTM-30896
UI When deleting an object which is not a device (doesn't have the c8y_isDevice fragment), the option to remove linked child devices is no longer shown. MTM-30873
Web SDK BasicAuth with CORS is now working when using the @c8y/client, as the not allowed x-xsrf-token header is no longer set when using CORS. MTM-30649
Web SDK UserGroup list endpoint is now correctly set in @c8y/client library. MTM-30900
Web SDK Missing "@angular/upgrade" dependency is now added to the peer dependencies of c8y/ngx-components. MTM-32209