
This section lists common isses and workarounds.

My code is not run or error messages are printed on the console

If you find that your code is not run, carry out the following checks:

My code runs locally but not when I run it through my tenant

If you get error messages only when running your application through your tenant:

I cannot get a 3rd party library to run in my plugin

An easy way to include 3rd party libraries into your plugin is to use Bower. List the 3rd party libraries in your bower.json file and install them using “bower install”. Then list the needed artifacts from the 3rd party library in your plugin.

For example, to include the latest version of Chart.js in your plugin, create a bower.json file in the root folder of your application with the following content:

    "name": "<your app>",
    "version": "<your version>",
    "dependencies": {
        "Chart.js": "latest"

Then run “bower install”. In the “cumulocity.json” manifest of your plugin, reference Chart.js as follows:

"js": [