Enterprise tenant

A tenant type in the Cumulocity IoT tenant hierarchy.

Enterprise tenants offer additional administrative functionality compared to a Standard tenant, the major difference being multi-tenancy. Using an Enterprise tenant, you can create and manage subtenants, manage the subscribed applications/features of the subtenants, and invoice subtenants based on usage statistics. Moreover, Enterprise tenants offer individual customization features, such as Branding for the creation of an individual look & feel.

See also Standard tenant and Management tenant.

Event Processing Language (EPL)

On top of Cumulocity IoT you can use the Apama streaming analytics engine to define business operations for real-time processing. The operation logic is implemented in Apama’s Event Processing Language (EPL). EPL covers statements, which are organized into actions and monitors. Monitor files can be edited directly from within Cumulocity IoT using the Cumulocity IoT Streaming Analytics application. Alternatively, you can install Apama on your local machine and develop your applications in an Eclipse-based development environment. You can deploy your monitor files as Apama applications to Cumulocity IoT.

For details see Getting started > Technical concepts > Real-time processing > Using the Apama Event Processing Language (EPL).

EPL Apps

EPL Apps is part of the Cumulocity IoT Streaming Analytics application. It allows you to develop EPL apps (that is, single *.mon files) directly within Cumulocity IoT, written in Apama EPL. You can also import existing *.mon files as EPL apps into Cumulocity IoT. When you activate an EPL app from the Streaming Analytics application, you deploy it to Cumulocity IoT.

See also Event Processing Language (EPL) and Analytics Builder.

For more details see Analytics > Streaming Analytics > EPL Apps.


In the context of Cumulocity IoT:

Events contain real-time information from the sensor network, such as the triggering of a door sensor. Events can also be alarms. In addition, security-related events are shown as audit logs.

In the context of Apama:

Conceptually, an event is an occurrence of a particular item of interest at a specific time. Apama events are used for all interactions with Cumulocity IoT, such as listening for and creating device measurements, alarms and (Cumulocity IoT) events.