Getting started with Cumulocity IoT DataHub

The Getting started section describes how to access Cumulocity IoT DataHub and walks you through the main UI features.

Accessing and logging into Cumulocity IoT DataHub

You access Cumulocity IoT DataHub via a web browser. It has been tested with the following web browsers:

  • Firefox (latest version)
  • Chrome (latest version)
Mobile devices like smartphones or tablets are not supported.

How to log into Cumulocity IoT DataHub

After the Cumulocity IoT DataHub services have been subscribed for your tenant, you must log into your tenant. In the application switcher you will find the Cumulocity IoT DataHub button. By clicking the button you will be taken to the home page of Cumulocity IoT DataHub. The UI provides management and monitoring capabilities for Cumulocity IoT DataHub. Alternatively your tenant administrator can give you the URL directly navigating to Cumulocity IoT DataHub, which requires a login as well.

As working with Cumulocity IoT DataHub requires you to have corresponding Cumulocity IoT DataHub permissions, you will get a warning after login if you lack those permissions.

When you want to log out, click the User button at the right of the top bar and select Logout from the context menu.

Overview of UI features

Cumulocity IoT DataHub provides the UI for managing and monitoring your offloading pipelines. The main navigation bar at the left provides links to the relevant pages. The access to these pages is restricted and depends on corresponding user roles/permissions as defined in Defining Cumulocity IoT DataHub permissions and roles.

Page Description Required role Prerequisites
Home Get an introduction to Cumulocity IoT DataHub and access quick links with related functionality DataHub Reader, DataHub Administrator, or DataHub Manager -
Offloading Configure and manage your offloading pipelines DataHub Administrator or DataHub Manager -
Auditing / Query log View the query log DataHub Reader, DataHub Administrator, or DataHub Manager Tracking of usage statistics must be enabled
Auditing / System log View the system log DataHub Administrator -
Settings / Initial configuration Set up Cumulocity IoT DataHub DataHub Administrator -
Settings / Dremio users Manage Dremio users DataHub Administrator -
Settings / Microsoft Power BI Set up connection to Microsoft Power BI DataHub Administrator -
Microsoft Power BI View Microsoft Power BI reports DataHub Reader, DataHub Administrator, or DataHub Manager Connection to Microsoft Power BI has been set up
Administration / Usage statistics View usage statistics DataHub Reader, DataHub Administrator, or DataHub Manager Tracking of usage statistics must be enabled
Administration / Compaction status View the latest compaction job status of your offloading pipelines DataHub Administrator -
Administration / System status Check system status DataHub Administrator -

Tenant and user settings

The Cumulocity IoT DataHub instance you have access to is tenant-specific, that means, this instance solely serves your tenant. You use your Cumulocity IoT account to access your Cumulocity IoT DataHub instance.

In addition to your Cumulocity IoT account, you have a separate account (which is created during the initial configuration) for accessing Dremio. Contact your administrator for the Dremio account credentials. If required for your use case your administrator can also create additional Dremio users. On the Home page there is a direct link to the Dremio instance under Quick links.