Important announcements

Core platform

Deprecation of /devicecontrol/notifications endpoint

The /devicecontrol/notifications endpoint is deprecated. We recommend you to use the /notification/operations endpoint instead.

Deprecation of /cep/realtime endpoint

The /cep/realtime endpoint is deprecated. We recommend you to use the /notification/realtime endpoint instead.

Enforcement of usage of bootstrap credentials

In order to improve the security posture of the platform as of release 10.10 we shall be enforcing the use of the bootstrap user when subscribing to dcr/ucr. With this enforcement of behaviour any subscription to s/ucr or s/dcr topics with other credentials than the bootstrap user will fail. The requirement to use the bootstrap user is documented at Device integration using MQTT in the Device SDK guide.

Disallow to use special characters for category and key for Tenant Option Collection API

Currently the Tenant Option Collection API returns 400 instead of collection results due to usage of special characters in category and key. After creating a new tenant option when special characters are used in key or category, the generated self link points to a non-existing option. In other cases when special characters are used the self link is broken and the user is unable to get or delete such an option via REST. With the 10.11 release creating tenant options with special characters will be disabled to prevent any issues in this regard in the future.

For reference, we disable all HTTP-encoded and control characters (like \u0000). The full list of HTTP-encoded characters equals the one here:

The template for emails, which are sent out when exporting reports, contains a placeholder for {tenant-domain}. In emails, the fully qualified domain name, for example “”, was used without specification of the protocol. Since the prefix “https://” was missing in the email users couldn’t just klick on a link to open the report.

In 10.9 GA release, the prefix has been added, that means, the email now contains the proper link starting with “https”, for example “”.

In case users added the prefix as a workaround manually in the template, they now must revert this workaround.

Removal of Basic Auth browser-based authentication

With the 10.5 release a new token-based mechanism for browser-based authentication was introduced (O-Auth Internal) in order to tighten the security of the Cumulocity IoT platform.

With the 10.12 release, the O-Auth Internal authentication will be enabled by default for all tenants. With the 10.13 release the Basic Authentication option will be removed for browser-based applications and all applications will be forced to use the token-based authentication mechanism O-Auth Internal. Note, that Basic Authentication will still be available for devices connecting to the Cumulocity IoT platform.

If not done already, we recommend you not to wait for the 10.13 release but enable O-Auth Internal as soon as possible. Documentation how to enforce O-Auth Internal can be found in Administration > Changing settings in the User guide.

In case you have developed your own web applications or microservices, please make sure that they do support the O-Auth Internal Authentication mechanism. This will be the case if your web applications are based on the Web SDK 10.5 or higher as well as the Microservice SDK 10.5 or higher.

Deprecation of RxJS usage in the ‘@c8y/client’ component of the Web SDK

In favor of decoupling the ‘@c8y/client’ library from RxJS library methods, using observables or other RxJS features will be removed with the 10.11 release. To continue using real-time data in your code use the new Observable(), defer() or from() to compose an observable on your own.

For example:

observable(channel: string) {
  return new Observable<any>(observer => {
    const subscription = this.realtime.subscribe(channel, msg => {
      const data = {
    return () => this.realtime.unsubscribe(subscription);

Change of supported SSL cipher suites

In order to retain the SSL Labs A+ rating, Cumulocity IoT must make continual updates to the supported cyphers for the Cumulocity IoT platform. For the Cumulocity IoT Cloud instances the weaker ciphers will be removed, for customers running their own instances the defaults will be changed with the option to enable the weaker ciphers if they are required.

The following ciphers are the supported ciphers from release 10.10.

Enforcement of user passwords to meet password complexity

When the use of green passwords is enforced and the minimal strong password length ( property) is higher than the device password length (device-user.password.length property), the system will use the green.min-length value, that means, generate a longer password. Prior to this change, the system rejected auto-generated passwords that were too short blocking device bootstrap.

Internet Explorer 11 support has ended

As announced previously, Cumulocity IoT no longer supports Internet Explorer 11. Cumulocity IoT continues to support the latest version of the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser as the successor to the Internet Explorer. This will allow us to continue to provide you with a state-of-the-art user experience.

Removal of older documentation versions from the documentation website

With the 10.10 release, product documentation for releases that are no longer in maintenance will be hidden from the version dropdown list at

However, the documentation is still available and all links to it still work. To access it, use the full URL including the respective version number, for example

Streaming Analytics

Single Streaming Analytics application

Where previously Apama Analytics Builder and Apama EPL Apps were separate applications, these have now been combined into a single Streaming Analytics application available from the Cumulocity IoT application switcher.

The Streaming Analytics application provides mechanisms to control visibility of the Analytics Builder and EPL Apps pages. If the old Apama Analytics Builder or Apama EPL Apps applications had been assigned to specific groups or users, a tenant will need to configure role-based access and assign roles to control the visibility of the corresponding pages within the Streaming Analytics application. See Controlling access to the Streaming Analytics application for more information. This migration is a one-time step that must be performed manually.

Backwards incompatibility change to the Cumulocity IoT bundles in Apama

As of Apama 10.7.0 (that is, the standalone product, not the Apama-ctrl microservice that is included in Cumulocity IoT), the names of the Cumulocity IoT bundles that you can add using Software AG Designer no longer include a version number. These are the following bundles:

This has the advantage that with future versions, you can seamlessly upgrade to the latest Cumulocity IoT bundles.

If you are using the old, versioned Cumulocity IoT bundles in Apama, you must replace them. Proceed as follows:

  1. Go to Software AG Designer.
  2. Add the new Cumulocity IoT bundles to your Apama projects.
  3. Copy any changes you applied to the CumulocityIoT.yaml and files over from the old, versioned bundles into the new bundles.
  4. Remove the old, versioned bundles from your Apama projects.

See the Apama documentation for more information on the Cumulocity IoT transport connectivity plug-in.

Cumulocity IoT transport in Apama

The contents of the com.apama.cumulocity.GenericResponse event have changed. You are recommended to change EPL apps which use the body field in the following ways

AnyExtractor dict := AnyExtractor(AnyExtractor(response.body).getDictionary("")[""]);


AnyExtractor dict := AnyExtractor(response.body);


AnyExtractor dict := AnyExtractor(response.getBody());

which is compatible with both current and previous versions of the GenericResponse API.

Cumulocity API in Apama

The withResponse action is now deprecated for all of the predefined types (ManagedObject, Alarm, Event, Measurement, MeasurementFragment and Operation) and will be removed in a future release.

It is recommended that you now use the new withChannelResponse action for the predefined types. This allows your application to receive a response on the <type>.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel when one of these object types is created or updated.

See the following topics in the Apama documentation for more information:

Removed items in Apama EPL

Several minor features which have been deprecated over the past few years have been removed from Apama EPL. The following table lists the removed items that are relevant for Cumulocity IoT and their recommended replacements.

Removed item Replacement
aggregate prior aggregate nth
decimal.nextafter decimal.nextAfter
dictionary.getDefault dictionary.getOr
float.nextafter float.nextAfter