Advanced features

Custom fragments

Cumulocity IoT APIs give you the possibility to structure your data freely. In Apama EPL, this is done by adding entries to params, which is of the type dictionary<string, any>. Each Cumulocity IoT event in the com.apama.cumulocity package (such as Alarm, Event, Measurement or Operation) has a params field, which is translated to fragments or optional fields. Thus, when receiving events, your code should look up entries in the params field. When sending events, this can be done by defining event types, or you can use the dictionary<string, any> type. When receiving events, the EPL type will be dictionary<any, any>. Note that EPL is strongly typed, so if you are creating an event with no fragments, a new dictionary<string, any> expression is required. If you are providing entries inline with a dictionary literal, then EPL will determine the type based on the type of the first key-value pair - thus, for dictionary<string, any>, cast the first value to an any type with the <any> cast operator:

send Event(..., new dictionary<string,any>) to Event.SEND_CHANNEL;
send Event(..., {"fragment":<any>"value"}) to Event.SEND_CHANNEL;

The MeasurementValue type is provided for the measurements in the Measurement type. MeasurementValue has value and unit fields and params for other fragments.

Example 1:

send Measurement("", "c8y_TemperatureMeasurement", "12345", currentTime, {
		"T1":MeasurementValue(1.0, "C", new dictionary<string,any>),
		"T2":MeasurementValue(2.0, "C", new dictionary<string,any>),
		"T3":MeasurementValue(3.0, "C", new dictionary<string,any>),
		"T4":MeasurementValue(4.0, "C", new dictionary<string,any>),
		"T5":MeasurementValue(5.0, "C", new dictionary<string,any>)
	new dictionary<string,any>) to Measurement.SEND_CHANNEL;

This will result in the following JSON structure:

	"type": "c8y_TemperatureMeasurement",
	"time": "...",
	"source": {
		"id": "12345"
	"c8y_TemperatureMeasurement": {
		"T1": {
			"value": 1,
			"unit": "C"
		"T2": {
			"value": 1,
			"unit": "C"
		"T3": {
			"value": 1,
			"unit": "C"
		"T4": {
			"value": 1,
			"unit": "C"
		"T5": {
			"value": 1,
			"unit": "C"

Measurement fragments

A measurement can be broken into individual measurement fragments. This can be done for each fragment and series present in the measurement. See Cumulocity IoT’s domain model in the Concepts guide for more information on measurement fragments.

Listen for events of type com.apama.cumulocity.MeasurementFragment when you require filtering based on measurement fragments or series, instead of listening for Measurement events and looking inside the measurements dictionary. For more information, see Using measurement fragments in the Apama documentation.


Triggering a statement by an arriving event is not the only possibility. The following sections cover other ways to combine listeners. Refer to Defining Event Listeners in the Apama documentation for full details.


Filters enable you to trigger by combinations or sequences of other triggers. If you have a trigger like this

on all Event() as e { ... }

it is also possible to add filters in the pattern.

on all Event(type = "c8y_EntranceEvent") as e { ... }

You can listen for more than one event:

on Event() as e and Alarm() as a { ... }

This will trigger on receiving an Event and an Alarm event - the first of each will be captured.

You can also trigger by sequences:

on all (Event() as e -> Alarm() as a) { ... }

This will trigger for every pair “Event followed by Alarm”. On receiving an event, it will stop listening for further events and start listening for alarms instead. Once an alarm is received, it will start listening for events again.


You can also trigger listeners based on time. You can either trigger in a certain interval, for example, fire every 5 minutes (300 seconds):

on all wait(300.0) { ... }

Or you can have a listener fire at certain times of the day, with similar functionality to Unix’s cron scheduler:

// timer:at(minutes, hours, daysOfMonth, month, daysOfWeek, (optional) seconds)
// minutes: 0-59
// hours: 0-23
// daysOfMonth: 1-31
// month: 1-12
// daysOfWeek: 0 (Sunday) - 6 (Saturday)
// seconds: 0-59

on all at(*, *, *, *, *) {} // trigger every minute

on all at(*/10, *, *, *, *) {} // trigger every 10 minutes
on all at(0, 1, *, *, [1,3,5]) {} // trigger at 1am every monday, wednesday and friday
on all at(0, */2, 1:7, *, *) {} // trigger every 2 hours on every day in the first week of every month

You can also combine timer patterns with other patterns. For example, you can check if there was an event within a certain time after another event:

on Event() -> wait(600.0) and not Alarm() { ... }

This will trigger if there is an event and within 10 minutes (600 seconds) there is no alarm. Note the use of not which terminates the listener if the event occurs.

Streams - windows

Streams give you the possibility to operate on windows of events. Streams use the from keyword instead of on and define a window to operate over, and select what output they want from that window using aggregates. Windows can be restricted by two means:

  1. Windows for a certain time - use the within keyword.

    from m in all Measurement(type="c8y_TemperatureMeasurement") within 3600.0 select avg(m.measurements	["c8y_TemperatureMeasurement"]["T"].value) as avgValue { }
  2. Windows with a certain amount of events - use the retain keyword.

    from m in all Measurement(type="c8y_TemperatureMeasurement") retain 100 select avg(m.measurements["c8y_TemperatureMeasurement"]["T"].value) as avgValue { }

Streams - outputting periodically

Streams can also control how frequently they evaluate, using the every specifier.

// will output the last measurement arrived every 1 minute
from m in all Measurement(type="c8y_TemperatureMeasurement") within 60.0 every 60.0 select last(m.measurements["c8y_TemperatureMeasurement"]["T"].value) as lastValue { }

// will output the first of every 20 measurements arriving
from m in all Measurement(type="c8y_TemperatureMeasurement") retain 20 every 20 select first(m.measurements["c8y_TemperatureMeasurement"]["T"].value) as firstValue { }

// will output the average of all 20 measurements after the 20th arrived
from m in all Measurement(type="c8y_TemperatureMeasurement") retain 20 every 20 select avg(m.measurements["c8y_TemperatureMeasurement"]["T"].value) as avgValue { }

See the Apama documentation for built-in aggregate functions.

Creating own event types

As well as the predefined event types, you can define your own event types. These can be useful to detect patterns of events occurring which trigger other parts of the same module.

event MyEvent {
	Measurement m1;
	Measurement m2;


on Measurement() as m1 -> Measurement() as m2 {
	route MyEvent(m1, m2);

Info: Cumulocity IoT deploys each module into its own namespace, so event definitions from one module cannot be used in other modules. This prevents dependencies between modules.

Creating own actions

Typically, you will structure a monitor using actions (much like functions in Java), as shown in the following examples.

Increasing the given severity:

action upgradeSeverity(string old) returns string {
	if old = "WARNING" { return "MINOR"; }
	if old = "MINOR"   { return "MAJOR"; }
	if old = "MAJOR"   { return "CRITICAL"; }
	return old;

Calculating the distance between two geo-coordinates:

action distance(float lat1, float lon1, float lat2, float lon2) returns float {
	float R := 6371000.0;
	float toRad := float.PI / 180.0;
	float lat1Rad := lat1 * toRad;
	float lat2Rad := lat2 * toRad;
	float deltaLatRad := (lat2-lat1) * toRad;
	float deltaLonRad := (lat2-lat1) * toRad;
	float a := (deltaLatRad/2.0).sin().pow(2.0) * lat1Rad.cos() * lat2Rad.cos() * (deltaLonRad/2.0).sin().pow(2.0);
	float c := 2.0 * a.sqrt().atan2((1.0-a).sqrt());
	return R * c;


You can define variables in your modules.

string myEmailText := "Hello World";
sequence<string> supportedOperationsList := ["c8y_Restart", "c8y_Relay"];

If you define a monitor-scope variable (that is, inside a monitor but not within any actions on that monitor), then that can be used in a listener if you use a colon (:) instead of as for the event co-assignment in the listener. Thus, the example below logs the latest event every 10 seconds:

monitor MyMonitor {
    // monitor scope:
    Event e;
    action onload() {
        on all Event():e {}
        on all wait(10.0) {
            log e.toString();

When a listener starts, it takes a copy of all of the local variables. The example below thus logs each event after a 10 second delay, even if other events come in between.

monitor MyMonitor {
    // monitor scope:
    Event e;
    action onload() {
      on all Event():e {
            on all wait(10.0) {
                log e.toString();

Spawning monitor instances and contexts

While it is possible to handle multiple devices in a single monitor (for example, using group by and partition by in streams, or maintaining a dictionary keyed on the device ID for other state), it is often useful to separate processing of different devices into separate monitor instances.

New monitor instances can be created using the spawn statement. This takes a copy of the monitor’s monitor scope variables and runs the named action in a new monitor instance. No listeners are copied into the new monitor. It is also possible to specify a context to spawn the new monitor instance in. Different contexts can run concurrently with each other, and also help isolate different monitors from each other. When constructing a context, supply a name to identify the context, and a boolean to control if the context is public - that is, it receives the Cumulocity IoT events by default (sent to the default channel).

This pattern is often used with the unmatched keyword to identify events that are not matched by any other listeners in that context. By using a separate context for each monitor, the unmatched behavior is scoped to that monitor. For example:

monitor PerDeviceMeasurementTracker {
	action onload() {
		spawn factory to context("PerDeviceMeasurementTracker", true);
	action factory() {
		on all unmatched Measurement() as m {
			spawn perDevice(m);

	dictionary<string, Measurement> latestMeasurementByType; // measurements for this device

	action perDevice(Measurement m) {
		on all Measurement(source = m.source) as m {
	action processMeasurement(Measurement m) {
		latestMeasurementByType[m.type] := m;

Controlling access to the Streaming Analytics application

By default, the Streaming Analytics application gives you access to the Analytics Builder and EPL Apps pages. Administrators may wish to control which of these are shown on different tenants or for different users, or modify the wording of the cards on the home screen (see also Customizing the home screen of the Streaming Analytics application).

Which pages are available also depends on the variant of the Apama-ctrl microservice that is running.

For an entire tenant, if a “feature application” named feature-disable-analyticsbuilder and/or feature-disable-eplapps is available within the tenant, then the relevant part is disabled. This can be done either within a tenant or by an Enterprise or Management tenant (see also Enterprise Tenant > Managing tenants in the User guide) and then subscribing to subtenants (the subtenant administrators are then not able to unsubscribe this application if the parent tenant wishes to restrict access to the functionality). To create such a “feature application” within a tenant, send a POST request to /application/applications (as an administrator with the permission to create applications). For example, to disable Analytics Builder:

   "contextPath": "feature-disable-analyticsbuilder",
   "manifest": {
       "noAppSwitcher": true

Or to disable EPL Apps:

   "contextPath": "feature-disable-eplapps",
   "manifest": {
       "noAppSwitcher": true

You can also send the POST request using a curl command, for example, to disable Analytics Builder:

curl --user username -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"feature-disable-analyticsbuilder", "contextPath": "feature-disable-analyticsbuilder", "type":"HOSTED", "resourcesUrl":"/","manifest": {"noAppSwitcher": true},"key":"feature-disable-analyticsbuilder-key"}' -k https://{{hostname}}/application/applications/

Or to disable EPL Apps:

curl --user username -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"feature-disable-eplapps", "contextPath": "feature-disable-eplapps", "type":"HOSTED", "resourcesUrl":"/", "manifest": {"noAppSwitcher": true},"key":"feature-disable-eplapps-key"}' -k https://{{hostname}}/application/applications/

By default, all users can see the same set of pages (according to the limitations above). You can also restrict the visibility of the pages to only users who have the permission ROLE_ANALYTICSBUILDER_READ or ROLE_EPLAPPS_READ, which can be assigned directly to users or via groups (see also Administration > Managing permissions in the User guide). To enable this, set the category of the tenant option to streaminganalytics and the applicationAccess key to the value “role” (also see the Tenant API in the Cumulocity IoT OpenAPI Specification) or use a curl command as given in the example below:

curl --user username -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"category": "streaminganalytics", "key": "applicationAccess", "value": "role"}' -k https://mytenant/tenant/options

where you have to replace the username with the name of a user who has ADMIN permission for “Option management”.

Note that this only affects the visibility of the cards and pages in the Streaming Analytics application. The supported REST services only require READ and ADMIN permissions for “CEP management”.

Customizing the home screen of the Streaming Analytics application

The cards that are shown on the home screen of the Streaming Analytics application contain text and links which you can customize on a per-tenant and per-language basis. To do this, download the documentation.json file for the language you wish to customize from the URL /service/cep/apamacorrelator/EN/documentation.json (that will need to be authenticated for a user in the Cumulocity IoT tenant). Replace the “EN” within the URL with the language code for the file you want to download.

The documentation.json file includes the URLs for the documentation links across the Streaming Analytics application and the text that is shown on the home screen. You can modify this to your requirements.

After you have made all required changes, package the modified copies into a ZIP file containing the following files:

where the cumulocity.json file contains the following:

   "contextPath": "streaminganalytics-customization", 
   "availability": "MARKET", 
   "type": "HOSTED", 
   "name": "streaminganalytics-customization", 
   "key": "streaminganalytics-customization-key", 
   "noAppSwitcher": true 

Then upload the ZIP file using the Administration application: go to Own applications, click Add application, and choose the method Upload web application. See Administration > Managing applications in the User guide for detailed information.

You may need to clear your browser cache for the changes to take effect.

You can include multiple languages in a single ZIP file as needed. You can subscribe this to subtenants as needed from an Enterprise tenant.

On new releases of the platform, it is recommended that you review the source documentation.json file for any changes. New entries in this file will be picked up with their default values.

Modifying microservice permissions and resource usage

The resource usage and permissions that the Apama-ctrl microservice operates with are defined in the manifest file of the Apama-ctrl microservice. See Microservice manifest in the Microservice SDK guide for more information.

If you have access to the microservice image (typically available only to operations), then you are able to extract the microservice image, modify the manifest, rebuild the microservice, and reupload the microservive to Cumulocity IoT as an application in the Administration application.

The manifest specifies CPU and memory resource usage. In some circumstances, these may need to be changed (different sizes of the microservice image are provided with different configurations).

The manifest also specifies the permissions with which the microservice runs. This is the set of permissions that every request from EPL (or any other code running in the Apama-ctrl microservice) runs with. The Apama-ctrl microservice itself requires the following permissions:

You can add other roles to this list (or remove them from it) to grant (or remove) permissions to EPL code.