What´s new

Release 10.10.0 Core includes the following new features or major feature enhancements.

New microservice-based data broker

A new microservice-based implementation of the data broker has been added. The new data broker is functionally equivalent to the existing data broker, but powered by the new Cumulocity IoT Messaging Service that enables reliable, scalable and high-performance flow of IoT data within the platform. The original data broker will continue to operate alongside the microservice-based data broker for the time being. Users can choose which data broker to use on a per-tenant basis.

At this time the microservice-based data broker is only available in the eu-latest.cumulocity.com public cloud environment. It can also be made available by request in private cloud environments. Contact product support to inquire about using the new data broker in your Cumulocity IoT environment.

For details, see Enterprise tenant > Microservice-based data broker in the User guide.

Cockpit & Device Management - Improved subasset view for groups

The groups view, and in particular its subasset view, has been redesigned to support sorting and filtering options.

In the Cockpit application, the Subassets tab now shows group information, group notes, and all subassets of the group in a list. The subassets can be sorted or filtered.

Subasset tab

The Subassets tab is displayed directly after the dashboards. Smart rules are now configured in a separate tab.

In the Device Management application, the new Subassets tab is now displayed initially when clicking a group in the navigator.

For details, see Cockpit > Managing assets and Device management > Grouping devices in the User guide.

UI - Improved search functionality

The search functionality, which can be accessed via the Search button in the top bar, has been improved. In addition to searching for exact matches, it is now also possible to search with “starts with”, “contains”, and “ends with” options.


For details, see Getting started > UI functionalities and features in the User guide.

New Telefonica Kite platform connectivity

The connectivity functionality has been integrated with the Telefonica Kite platform. This allows monitoring and management of Telefonica SIMs used to connect devices. The new Kite provider can be selected and configured in the SIM provider settings tab under Administration > Settings > Connectivity.

See also Administration > Connectivity in the User guide.

Audit logs enhancements

The audit logs functionality has been extended. Audit logs now also include:

See also the Audits section in the Cumulocity IoT OpenAPI Specification.