Use Case: Anomaly Detection


Anomaly detection (also outlier detection) is the identification of items, events or observations which do not conform to an expected pattern or other items in a data set.

Capturing anomalous events through the sensor data of a mobile device on an IoT platform can for instance serve the purpose of detecting accidents of elderly people living without a caretaker. Regular behavior sensor data of a person can be collected over a period of time. This data can then be used to train an anomaly detection model. As soon as an irregularity in behavior data is observed, e.g. the person falls down, an anomaly can be detected. For the purpose of showcasing this use case, we followed these steps:


Download the file which contains demo scripts, training data set, PMML Model and EPL rule.

Running the demo scripts requires

Getting Started

We have added a CONFIG.INI file to the zip. This file is meant for capturing the tenant details and credentials which will be used by the demo scripts.

First of all, update the CONFIG.INI with the appropriate values and save it. Replace c_url with your tenant URL, c_user with your tenant username and c_pass with your tenant password. Leave the c_device_source as is for now.


For this particular demo, a phone or a phone-like device needs to be used, so that the measurement data for that particular device can be captured and be used for detecting anomalies.

The documentation provides instructions for the following devices:

Anomaly detection using an Android phone

This section deals with the basic data science steps of creating an anomaly detection model with self-collected data. First of all, you need to register your Android phone. Then follow the sections below for collecting data, training the model and using the model to detect anomalies via the phone. Note that the phone for the entire workflow has to be of the same type because the data and sensors for device types may differ.

Register an Android phone in Cumulocity

Registering an Android phone in Cumulocity involves installing the Cloud Sensor App on your Android phone and using it for completing the registration. Follow the steps described in Optional services > Cumulocity IoT Sensor App in the User guide.

Once registered, try to get the device ID by looking up your device on the All Devices page of your tenant’s Device Management application. Now, update the c_device_source of the CONFIG.INI file with the device ID of your registered Android phone.

Data collection with Cumulocity

Required: No. The training data is provided. See next section.

In contrast to supervised classification models, no labeled training data is required for anomaly detection models. The training happens with the regular data, and any unseen behavior will later be detected as anomalous. The data can be collected by carrying around the registered device over a few days without any anomalous behavior. All data can then be accessed via the Cumulocity REST interface and be transformed into the training data format.

Note that for demo purposes the data is fetched via REST and directly transformed into the training data set. More complex pre-processing might require the use of an offline data store. The format of the JSON data might have changed in the meantime, or some sensors might not be available for some phone types, so check the exact format by viewing a current sample.

The following code block contains the data format of the JSON schema that was assumed for this demo.

    "_id" : ObjectId("5ba140c6b524ac788e565905"),
    "time" : "2018-09-14T15:38:57.313-07:00",
    "id" : "2519084",
    "self" : "",
    "source" : {
        "id" : "2046206",
        "self" : ""
    "type" : "c8ydemoAndroid",
    "c8y_Acceleration" : {
        "accelerationY" : {
            "unit" : "G",
            "value" : 9.34783935546875
        "accelerationX" : {
            "unit" : "G",
            "value" : 7.126129150390625
        "accelerationZ" : {
            "unit" : "G",
            "value" : 7.345794677734375
    "c8y_Gyroscope" : {
        "gyroX" : {
            "unit" : "°/s",
            "value" : 5.28802490234375
        "gyroY" : {
            "unit" : "°/s",
            "value" : -9.42755126953125
        "gyroZ" : {
            "unit" : "°/s",
            "value" : -4.908660888671875

Data collection can be done by using the below shown and attached script This Python script connects to the Cumulocity REST measurements endpoint, pulls the data and writes it to a CSV file.
import requests, json 
import configparser
import csv
import os

def add2Data(d):
# consult returned JSON for exact format
    acc = d['c8y_Acceleration']
    accelerationY = acc['accelerationY']
    accelerationX = acc['accelerationX']
    accelerationZ = acc['accelerationZ']
    c8y_Gyroscope = d['c8y_Gyroscope']
    gyroX = c8y_Gyroscope['gyroX']
    gyroY = c8y_Gyroscope['gyroY']
    gyroZ = c8y_Gyroscope['gyroZ']
    return [accelerationY['value'], accelerationX['value'], accelerationZ['value'], gyroX['value'], gyroY['value'], gyroZ['value']]

# collect config from CONFIG-INI -> change user and pass
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'CONFIG.INI')

c_params={"source":config.get("cumulocity", "c_device_source"),"pageSize":"2000"}

# get first page of json data measurements from cumulocity
c_auth=config.get("cumulocity", "c_user"),config.get("cumulocity", "c_pass")
r=requests.get(config.get("cumulocity","c_url")+c_measurements_endpoint,params=c_params, auth=c_auth) 
print("Start collecting data from: "+r.url)
print("Status code: "+str(r.status_code))

# training data file

 # collect data

if not os.path.exists(DIR_DATA):
with open(TRAIN_DATA_FILE, mode='w', newline='') as training_file:
    writer = csv.writer(training_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

    # write measurements of first page
    for measurement in json_doc['measurements']:	

    for i in range(5):
        r=requests.get(json_doc['next'], auth=c_auth) 
        if not measure_arr:
            print("Last page reached.")
        print("Collecting data at: " +measure_arr[0]['time'])

        for measurement in measure_arr:	

print("Training data written to " + TRAIN_DATA_FILE)

The training data set we collected is packaged as under the data sub-folder of the attached

Train the PMML model

For this demo, the anomaly detection machine learning algorithm “Isolation Forest” is applied. Isolation Forest is an approach that detects anomalies by isolating instances, without relying on any distance or density measure.

The logic arguments goes: isolating anomaly observations is easier as only a few conditions are needed to separate those cases from the normal observations. On the other hand, isolating normal observations require more conditions. Therefore, an anomaly score can be calculated as the number of conditions required to separate a given observation. - Anomaly Detection Using Isolation Forests

The attached Python script creates an Isolation Forest Model in PMML format using the previously created training data. If no training data was created with the script, sample training data can be found under the data sub-folder of the attached ZIP file. It is then used for training the Isolation Forest model with the help of the scikit-learn framework ( To obtain a robust and meaningful model, further cleaning of the training data and validating the best model parameters is required. This is not in the scope of this demo and presumes knowledge of data science best practices. After the model is created in scikit-learn format, it is converted into PMML format with the Nyoka library. Make sure to install Nyoka as detailed here:

You could try out the data you collected yourself as described in the data collection section. Alternatively, you can unzip the attached data/ file which contains the sample training data and use it for training your model. Note that the model trained with the attached data set might not work very well when you try to classify your own data. The reason is that the expected behavior of the training data and the data captured with your device would differ too much and any occurrence will be classified as anomalous.
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
import numpy as np
import os
import zipfile
import csv
from nyoka import skl_to_pmml
import warnings

# training data file

PMML_FILE_NAME = DIR_MODEL+"iforest_model.pmml"

if not os.path.exists(DIR_MODEL):

# load the data into an array
with open(TRAIN_DATA_FILE, newline='') as csvfile:
    data = list(csv.reader(csvfile))

# instantiate the isolation forest object
iforest = IsolationForest(n_estimators=40, max_samples=3000, contamination=0, random_state=np.random.RandomState(42))

# only use part of the data for quicker results[2:5000])

# prepare pipeline for PMML conversion
print("Start converting the model into PMML...")
pipeline = Pipeline([
    (model_type, iforest)

features = ["accelerationY","accelerationX","accelerationZ","gyroX","gyroY","gyroZ"]
skl_to_pmml(pipeline, features, "",PMML_FILE_NAME)

print("Model with name "+PMML_FILE_NAME+" converted into PMML")

Upload the model to Cumulocity

In order to upload the model to Cumulocity, follow the steps described in Predictive Analytics application > Managing models.

A pre-trained model iforest_demo.pmml is also attached for reference. This anomaly detection model was trained with the data available in mentioned in the section above.

Create and upload Apama monitor to Cumulocity

For this anomaly detection scenario, we need to use Apama streaming analytics. With Apama streaming analytics, you can add your own logic to your IoT solution for immediate processing of incoming data from devices or other data sources. This user-defined logic can, e.g. alert applications of new incoming data, create new operations based on the received data (such as sending an alarm when a threshold for a sensor is exceeded), or trigger operations on devices.

We create an EPL-based monitor file and upload it to Cumulocity. As mentioned earlier, the Apama EPL monitor file takes care of reading the measurements coming from the mobile device, sending it to the Zementis microservice and raising an alarm when an anomaly is reported by our machine learning model.

Instead of creating a new monitor file, the attached DetectAnomalies.mon file can be used after making minor adjustments. Open DetectAnomalies.mon in a text editor and replace the deviceId variable with the ID of your registered device, same as c_device_source in the CONFIG.INI file mentioned above. Save your changes and upload this monitor file to your tenant. See [Deploying Apama applications as single *.mon files with Apama EPL Apps] (/apama/analytics-introduction/#single-mon-file) in the Streaming analytics guide for details on uploading Apama monitor files.

using com.apama.correlator.Component;
using com.apama.cumulocity.Alarm;
using com.apama.cumulocity.Measurement;
using com.apama.cumulocity.FindManagedObjectResponse;
using com.apama.cumulocity.FindManagedObjectResponseAck;
using com.apama.cumulocity.FindManagedObject;
using com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.HttpOptions;
using com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.HttpTransport;
using com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Request;
using com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Response;
using com.apama.json.JSONPlugin;

monitor DetectAnomalies {

    CumulocityRequestInterface cumulocity;
    action onload() {
        cumulocity := CumulocityRequestInterface.connectToCumulocity();
        // Replace yourDeviceId with the value of your device id
        listenAndActOnMeasurements("yourDeviceId", "IsolationForests");
    action listenAndActOnMeasurements(string deviceId, string modelName) {
        on all Measurement(source = deviceId) as m {
            if(m.measurements.hasKey("c8y_Acceleration") and m.measurements.hasKey("c8y_Gyroscope")){		
                log "Received Measurement from C8Y";
                string record := convertMeasurementToRecord(m);
                log "Sending record to zementis - " + record;
                Request zementisRequest := cumulocity.createRequest("GET", "/service/zementis/apply/"+modelName, any());
                zementisRequest.setQueryParameter("record", record);
                log "EPL execution completed.";	
    action convertMeasurementToRecord(Measurement m) returns string
        dictionary<string, any> json := {};
        json["accelerationX"] := m.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Acceleration").getOrDefault("accelerationX").value;
        json["accelerationY"] := m.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Acceleration").getOrDefault("accelerationY").value;
        json["accelerationZ"] := m.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Acceleration").getOrDefault("accelerationZ").value;
        json["gyroX"] := m.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Gyroscope").getOrDefault("gyroX").value;
        json["gyroY"] := m.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Gyroscope").getOrDefault("gyroY").value;
        json["gyroZ"] := m.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Gyroscope").getOrDefault("gyroZ").value;
        return JSONPlugin.toJSON(json);

    /** Cumulocity Request Interface.
     * This is for making generic REST requests to other
     * Cumulocity microservices with JSON payloads.
    event CumulocityRequestInterface
       /** @private */
       HttpTransport transport;
       * Allows configuration of a HTTPTransport with
       * Cumulocity-specific configuration details.
       * @returns The instance of the event that contains a transport
       static action connectToCumulocity() returns CumulocityRequestInterface
          string baseUrl := "";
          string basePath := "";
          string host := "";
          integer port := 0;
          string user := "";
          string password := "";
          boolean https := true;
          string tlsFile := "";
          dictionary<string, string> config := {};
          dictionary<string, string> envp := Component.getInfo("envp");
          if envp.hasKey("C8Y_BASEURL") and envp["C8Y_BASEURL"] != "" { // Running internal
             baseUrl := envp["C8Y_BASEURL"];
             user := envp["C8Y_TENANT"] + "/" + envp["C8Y_USER"];
             password :=envp["C8Y_PASSWORD"];
          else { // Get the settings from the config properties when running remotely
             string k;
             dictionary<string, string> props := Component.getConfigProperties();
             for k in props.keys() {
                if (k = "CUMULOCITY_SERVER_URL") {
                   baseUrl := props[k];
                else if (k = "CUMULOCITY_USERNAME"){
                   user := props[k];
                else if (k = "CUMULOCITY_PASSWORD"){
                   password := props[k];
                else if (k = "CUMULOCITY_TLS_CERT_AUTH_FILE"){
                   tlsFile := props[k];
          if baseUrl.find("/") < 0 {
             baseUrl := baseUrl + "/";
          // Check if the baseUrl starts with either http or https
          if baseUrl.length()>=7 and baseUrl.substring(0,7).toLower() = "http://"{
             https := false;
             baseUrl := baseUrl.substring(7, baseUrl.length());
          else if baseUrl.length()>=8 and baseUrl.substring(0,8).toLower() = "https://"{
             https := true;
             baseUrl := baseUrl.substring(8, baseUrl.length());
          // Otherwise assume HTTPS and that the URL does not have such a prefix as http or https
          basePath := baseUrl.replace("[^/]*(/.*)?", "$1");
          host := baseUrl.replace("(?:(.*):|(.*)/|(.*)).*", "$1$2$3");
          port := baseUrl.replace("[^:]*:([0-9]*).*", "$1").toInteger();
          if (port = 0){
             if https = true{
                port := 443;
                port := 80;
          config := {
          if https = true{
          log config.toString() at DEBUG;
          return CumulocityRequestInterface(HttpTransport.getOrCreateWithConfigurations(host, port, config));
       * Allows creation of a request on a transport that
       * has been configured for a Cumulocity connection.
       * @param method The type of HTTP request, for example "GET".
       * @param path A specific path to be appended to the request.
       * @param payload A dictionary of elements to be included in the request.
       action createRequest(string method, string path, any payload) returns Request
          return transport.createRequest(method, path, payload, new HttpOptions);
    event ZementisHandler
        string deviceId;
        action requestHandler(Response zementisResponse)
            integer statusCode := zementisResponse.statusCode;
            log "Zementis responded with status -" + statusCode.toString();
            if (statusCode = 200 and <boolean> zementisResponse.payload.getSequence("outputs")[0].getEntry("outlier") = true) {
                send Alarm("", "AnomalyDetectionAlarm", deviceId, currentTime,
                    "Anomaly detected", "ACTIVE", "CRITICAL", 1, new dictionary<string, any>) to Alarm.CHANNEL;
                log "Alarm raised";

Trigger an anomaly alert

Now that you have all the pieces together, you can try to generate an anomaly. To generate an anomaly you could drop your mobile phone or throw it in the air and then catch it.

You should be able to see alarms being generated from your device which will be visible under the Alarms page of the Device Management application.

Anomaly detection using an iPhone

This section deals with the basic data science steps of creating an anomaly detection model with self-collected data. First of all, you need to register your iPhone. Then follow the sections below for collecting data, training the model and using the model to detect anomalies via the phone. Note that the phone for the entire workflow has to be of the same type because the data and sensors for device types may differ.

Register an iPhone in Cumulocity

Registering an iPhone in Cumulocity involves installing the Cloud Sensor App on your iPhone and using it for completing the registration. Follow the steps described in Optional services > Cumulocity IoT Sensor App in the User guide.

Once registered, try to get the device ID by looking up your device on the All Devices page of your tenant’s Device Management application. Now, update the c_device_source of the CONFIG.INI file with the device ID of your registered iPhone.

Data collection with Cumulocity

Required: No. The training data is provided. See next section.

In contrast to supervised classification models, no labeled training data is required for anomaly detection models. The training happens with the regular data, and any unseen behavior will later be detected as anomalous. The data can be collected by carrying around the registered device over a few days without any anomalous behavior. All data can then be accessed via the Cumulocity REST interface and be transformed into the training data format.

Note that for demo purposes the data is fetched via REST and directly transformed into the training data set. More complex pre-processing might require the use of an offline data store. The format of the JSON data might have changed in the meantime, or some sensors might not be available for some phone types, so check the exact format by viewing a current sample.

The following code block contains the data format of the JSON schema that was assumed for this demo.

        "self": "",
        "time": "2019-09-09T14:24:50.000-07:00",
        "id": "10404830",
        "source": {
            "self": "",
            "id": "9698019"
        "type": "c8y_Acceleration",
        "c8y_Acceleration": {
            "accelerationY": {
                "unit": "G",
                "value": -0.0055389404296875
            "accelerationX": {
                "unit": "G",
                "value": 0.019256591796875
            "accelerationZ": {
                "unit": "G",
                "value": -0.9974822998046875
        "self": "",
        "time": "2019-09-09T14:24:51.000-07:00",
        "id": "10404729",
        "source": {
            "self": "",
            "id": "9698019"
        "type": "c8y_Gyroscope",
        "c8y_Gyroscope": {
            "gyroX": {
                "unit": "°/s",
                "value": -0.023520772431470823
            "gyroY": {
                "unit": "°/s",
                "value": -0.046856987799399154
            "gyroZ": {
                "unit": "°/s",
                "value": -0.01188195951949753

Data collection can be done by using the below shown and attached script This Python script connects to the Cumulocity REST measurements endpoint, pulls the data and writes it to a CSV file.
import requests, json 
import configparser
import csv
import os

def add2Data(acc_data, gyro_data, writer):
    acc_X = acc_data['accelerationX']['value']
    acc_Y = acc_data['accelerationY']['value']
    acc_Z = acc_data['accelerationZ']['value']
    gyro_X = gyro_data['gyroX']['value']
    gyro_Y = gyro_data['gyroY']['value']
    gyro_Z = gyro_data['gyroZ']['value']

config = configparser.ConfigParser()'CONFIG.INI')


c_params={"source":config.get("cumulocity", "c_device_source"),"pageSize":"2000",
         "dateFrom":DATE_FROM, "dateTo":DATE_TO,

c_auth=config.get("cumulocity", "c_user"),config.get("cumulocity", "c_pass")
r=requests.get(config.get("cumulocity","c_url")+c_measurements_endpoint,params=c_params, auth=c_auth)
print("Start collecting data from: "+r.url)
print("Status code: "+str(r.status_code))



if not os.path.exists(DIR_DATA):

with open(TRAIN_DATA_FILE, mode='w', newline='') as training_file:
    writer = csv.writer(training_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

    r=requests.get(config.get("cumulocity","c_url")+c_measurements_endpoint,params=c_params, auth=c_auth)
    json_doc_gyro = r.json()

    print("Page 1.\tCollecting data at: " +first_arr[0]['time'])

    for data in first_arr:
        gyro = list(filter(lambda rec: rec['time']==data['time'], json_doc_gyro['measurements']))
        # For some timestamps, acceleration measurements are there but not gyroscope; skipping records with those timestamps
        if len(gyro)>0:
            add2Data(data['c8y_Acceleration'], gyro[0]['c8y_Gyroscope'], writer)

    for i in range(5):
        r=requests.get(json_doc_acc['next'], auth=c_auth) 
        if not measure_arr:
            print("Last page reached.")

        r=requests.get(json_doc_gyro['next'], auth=c_auth) 
        if not next_doc_gyro['measurements']:
            print("Last page reached.")

        print("Page "+ str(i+2)+".\tCollecting data at: "+ measure_arr[0]['time'])

        for data in measure_arr:
            gyro = list(filter(lambda rec: rec['time']==data['time'], next_doc_gyro['measurements']))
            # For some timestamps, acceleration measurements are there but not gyroscope; skipping records with those timestamps
            if len(gyro)>0:
                add2Data(data['c8y_Acceleration'], gyro[0]['c8y_Gyroscope'], writer)
        json_doc_acc = next_doc_acc
        json_doc_gyro = next_doc_gyro

print("Training data written to " + TRAIN_DATA_FILE)	

The training data set we collected is packaged as under the data sub-folder of the attached

Train the PMML model

For this demo, the anomaly detection machine learning algorithm “Isolation Forest” is applied. Isolation Forest is an approach that detects anomalies by isolating instances, without relying on any distance or density measure.

The logic arguments goes: isolating anomaly observations is easier as only a few conditions are needed to separate those cases from the normal observations. On the other hand, isolating normal observations require more conditions. Therefore, an anomaly score can be calculated as the number of conditions required to separate a given observation. - Anomaly Detection Using Isolation Forests

The attached Python script creates an Isolation Forest Model in PMML format using the previously created training data. If no training data was created with the script, sample training data can be found under the data sub-folder of the attached ZIP file. It is then used for training the Isolation Forest model with the help of the scikit-learn framework ( To obtain a robust and meaningful model, further cleaning of the training data and validating the best model parameters is required. This is not in the scope of this demo and presumes knowledge of data science best practices. After the model is created in scikit-learn format, it is converted into PMML format with the Nyoka library. Make sure to install Nyoka as detailed here:

You could try out the data you collected yourself as described in the data collection section. Alternatively, you can unzip the attached data/ file which contains the sample training data and use it for training your model. Note that the model trained with the attached data set might not work very well when you try to classify your own data. The reason is that the expected behavior of the training data and the data captured with your device would differ too much and any occurrence will be classified as anomalous.
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
import numpy as np
import os
import zipfile
import csv
from nyoka import skl_to_pmml
import warnings

# training data file

PMML_FILE_NAME = DIR_MODEL+"iforest_model_iphone.pmml"

if not os.path.exists(DIR_MODEL):

# load the data into an array
with open(TRAIN_DATA_FILE, newline='') as csvfile:
    data = list(csv.reader(csvfile))

# instantiate the isolation forest object
iforest = IsolationForest(n_estimators=40, max_samples=3000, contamination=0, random_state=np.random.RandomState(42))
# only use part of the data for quicker results[1:])

# prepare pipeline for PMML conversion
print("Start converting the model into PMML...")
pipeline = Pipeline([
    (model_type, iforest)
features = ["accelerationY","accelerationX","accelerationZ","gyroX","gyroY","gyroZ"]
skl_to_pmml(pipeline, features, "",PMML_FILE_NAME)

print("Model with name "+PMML_FILE_NAME+" converted into PMML")

Upload the model to Cumulocity

In order to upload the model to Cumulocity, follow the steps described in Predictive Analytics application > Managing models.

A pre-trained model iforest_demo_iphone.pmml is also attached for reference. This anomaly detection model was trained with the data available in mentioned in the section above.

Create and upload Apama monitor to Cumulocity

For this anomaly detection scenario, we need to use Apama streaming analytics. With Apama streaming analytics, you can add your own logic to your IoT solution for immediate processing of incoming data from devices or other data sources. This user-defined logic can, e.g. alert applications of new incoming data, create new operations based on the received data (such as sending an alarm when a threshold for a sensor is exceeded), or trigger operations on devices.

We create an EPL-based monitor file and upload it to Cumulocity. As mentioned earlier, the Apama EPL monitor file takes care of reading the measurements coming from the mobile device, sending it to the Zementis microservice and raising an alarm when an anomaly is reported by our machine learning model.

Instead of creating a new monitor file, the attached DetectAnomalies_iPhone.mon file can be used after making minor adjustments. Open DetectAnomalies_iPhone.mon in a text editor and replace the deviceId variable with the ID of your registered device, same as c_device_source in the CONFIG.INI file mentioned above. Save your changes and upload this monitor file to your tenant. See [Deploying Apama applications as single *.mon files with Apama EPL Apps] (/apama/analytics-introduction/#single-mon-file) in the Streaming analytics guide for details on uploading Apama monitor files.

using com.apama.correlator.Component;
using com.apama.cumulocity.Alarm;
using com.apama.cumulocity.Measurement;
using com.apama.cumulocity.FindManagedObjectResponse;
using com.apama.cumulocity.FindManagedObjectResponseAck;
using com.apama.cumulocity.FindManagedObject;
using com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.HttpOptions;
using com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.HttpTransport;
using com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Request;
using com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Response;
using com.apama.json.JSONPlugin;

monitor DetectAnomalies_iPhone {

    CumulocityRequestInterface cumulocity;
    action onload() {
        cumulocity := CumulocityRequestInterface.connectToCumulocity();
        // Replace yourDeviceId with the value of your device id
        listenAndActOnMeasurements("yourDeviceId", "IsolationForests");

    action listenAndActOnMeasurements(string deviceId, string modelName) {
        on all Measurement(source = deviceId) as m {

            if( m.measurements.hasKey("c8y_Acceleration")){ 
            log "Received Measurement c8y_Acceleration from C8Y" + m.toString();
            dictionary <string, any> lastMeasurement := {};
                lastMeasurement["accelerationX"] := m.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Acceleration").getOrDefault("accelerationX").value;
                lastMeasurement["accelerationY"] := m.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Acceleration").getOrDefault("accelerationY").value;
                lastMeasurement["accelerationZ"] := m.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Acceleration").getOrDefault("accelerationZ").value;
                listener l := on all Measurement(source = deviceId) as n {
                    if n.measurements.hasKey("c8y_Gyroscope"){
                        lastMeasurement["gyroX"] := n.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Gyroscope").getOrDefault("gyroX").value;
                        lastMeasurement["gyroY"] := n.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Gyroscope").getOrDefault("gyroY").value;
                        lastMeasurement["gyroZ"] := n.measurements.getOrDefault("c8y_Gyroscope").getOrDefault("gyroZ").value;
                     string record := JSONPlugin.toJSON(lastMeasurement);
                       log "Sending record to zementis - " + record;
                       Request zementisRequest := cumulocity.createRequest("GET", "/service/zementis/apply/" + modelName, any());
                       zementisRequest.setQueryParameter("record", record);
                       log "EPL execution completed."; 

    /** Cumulocity Request Interface.
    * This is for making generic REST requests to other
    * Cumulocity microservices with JSON payloads.
   event CumulocityRequestInterface
      /** @private */
      HttpTransport transport;

      * Allows configuration of a HTTPTransport with
      * Cumulocity-specific configuration details.
      * @returns The instance of the event that contains a transport
      static action connectToCumulocity() returns CumulocityRequestInterface
         string baseUrl := "";
         string basePath := "";
         string host := "";
         integer port := 0;
         string user := "";
         string password := "";
         boolean https := true;
         string tlsFile := "";

         dictionary<string, string> config := {};
         dictionary<string, string> envp := Component.getInfo("envp");

         if envp.hasKey("C8Y_BASEURL") and envp["C8Y_BASEURL"] != "" { // Running internal
            baseUrl := envp["C8Y_BASEURL"];

            user := envp["C8Y_TENANT"] + "/" + envp["C8Y_USER"];
            password :=envp["C8Y_PASSWORD"];
         else { // Get the settings from the config properties when running remotely
            string k;
            dictionary<string, string> props := Component.getConfigProperties();
            for k in props.keys() {
               if (k = "CUMULOCITY_SERVER_URL") {
                  baseUrl := props[k];
               else if (k = "CUMULOCITY_USERNAME"){
                  user := props[k];
               else if (k = "CUMULOCITY_PASSWORD"){
                  password := props[k];
               else if (k = "CUMULOCITY_TLS_CERT_AUTH_FILE"){
                  tlsFile := props[k];

         if baseUrl.find("/") < 0 {
            baseUrl := baseUrl + "/";

         // Check if the baseUrl starts with either http or https
         if baseUrl.length()>=7 and baseUrl.substring(0,7).toLower() = "http://"{
            https := false;
            baseUrl := baseUrl.substring(7, baseUrl.length());
         else if baseUrl.length()>=8 and baseUrl.substring(0,8).toLower() = "https://"{
            https := true;
            baseUrl := baseUrl.substring(8, baseUrl.length());
         // Otherwise assume HTTPS and that the URL does not have such a prefix as http or https

         basePath := baseUrl.replace("[^/]*(/.*)?", "$1");
         host := baseUrl.replace("(?:(.*):|(.*)/|(.*)).*", "$1$2$3");
         port := baseUrl.replace("[^:]*:([0-9]*).*", "$1").toInteger();
         if (port = 0){
            if https = true{
               port := 443;
               port := 80;

         config := {

         if https = true{

         //log config.toString() at DEBUG;
         return CumulocityRequestInterface(HttpTransport.getOrCreateWithConfigurations(host, port, config));

      * Allows creation of a request on a transport that
      * has been configured for a Cumulocity connection.
      * @param method The type of HTTP request, for example "GET".
      * @param path A specific path to be appended to the request.
      * @param payload A dictionary of elements to be included in the request.
      action createRequest(string method, string path, any payload) returns Request
         return transport.createRequest(method, path, payload, new HttpOptions);

   event ZementisHandler
       string deviceId;
       action requestHandler(Response zementisResponse)
           integer statusCode := zementisResponse.statusCode;
           boolean outlier := <boolean> zementisResponse.payload.getSequence("outputs")[0].getEntry("outlier");
           log "Zementis responded with status:" + statusCode.toString() + " result:" +  (outlier).toString();
           if (statusCode = 200 and outlier = true) {
               send Alarm("", "AnomalyDetectionAlarm", deviceId, currentTime,
                   "Anomaly detected", "ACTIVE", "CRITICAL", 1, new dictionary<string, any>) to Alarm.CHANNEL;
               log "Alarm raised";


Trigger an anomaly alert

Now that you have all the pieces together, you can try to generate an anomaly. To generate an anomaly you could drop your mobile phone or throw it in the air and then catch it.

You should be able to see alarms being generated from your device which will be visible under the Alarms page of the Device Management application.

Anomaly detection using a demo device

A fully functional demo can be prepared with the help of a demo device. For this, use the artefacts provided as part of the file.

Register a demo device in Cumulocity

Instead of registering a real phone for anomaly detection use case, a demo device can be registered. This device can be used as a replica of an actual mobile phone.

We have added a script which registers a demo device in Cumulocity. Run the script using the following command:


Use this script to add a device named “DemoDevice” to Cumulocity.
c_url=$(awk -F "=" '/c_url/ {print $2}' ./CONFIG.INI)
c_user=$(awk -F "=" '/c_user/ {print $2}' ./CONFIG.INI)
c_pass=$(awk -F "=" '/c_pass/ {print $2}' ./CONFIG.INI)
echo "#####################################"
echo "#    Registering new demo device    #"
echo "#####################################"
curl --user $c_user:$c_pass -X POST $c_url"/inventory/managedObjects" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"name": "DemoDevice", "c8y_IsDevice": {}, "myDemoDevice":{}, "c8y_SupportedMeasurements": ["c8y_SignalStrengthWifi","c8y_Acceleration", "c8y_Barometer", "c8y_Gyroscope", "c8y_Luxometer", "c8y_Compass"]}'
echo "#########################################################"
echo "#  Registered a demo device with the name 'DemoDevice'  #"
echo "#########################################################"

Once registered, try to get the device ID by looking up your device on the All Devices page of your tenant’s Device Management application. Now, update the c_device_source of the CONFIG.INI file with the device ID of this demo device.

Upload the model and Apama monitor to Cumulocity

  1. Upload the attached model iforest_demo.pmml to Cumulocity. To upload the model to Cumulocity, follow the steps described in Predictive Analytics application > Managing models.
  2. Download the attached DetectAnomalies.mon file, open it in a text editor and replace the deviceId variable with the ID of your registered device, same as c_device_source in the CONFIG.INI file mentioned above.
  3. Save your changes and upload this monitor file to your tenant. See [Deploying Apama applications as single *.mon files with Apama EPL Apps] (/apama/analytics-introduction/#single-mon-file) in the Streaming analytics guide for details on uploading Apama monitor files.

Trigger an Anomaly Alert

A script has been attached which simulates sending of alternate anomalous and non-anomalous readings to Cumulocity from our demo device. This script can be used to depict the generation of anomalies.

All you need to do is run it as sh
c_url=$(awk -F "=" '/c_url/ {print $2}' ./CONFIG.INI)
c_user=$(awk -F "=" '/c_user/ {print $2}' ./CONFIG.INI)
c_pass=$(awk -F "=" '/c_pass/ {print $2}' ./CONFIG.INI)
c_device_source=$(awk -F "=" '/c_device_source/ {print $2}' ./CONFIG.INI)
CURRENT_TIME=$(date --iso-8601=seconds)
while [ $SECONDS -lt $end ]; do
    result=`expr $COUNTER % $DIV`
    if [ $result == 0 ]
        echo "##########################################"
        echo "#  Simulating Non-Anamolous Measurement  #"
        echo "##########################################"
        curl --user $c_user:$c_pass -X POST $c_url"/measurement/measurements" -H "accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --data '{"measurements":[{"time":"'$CURRENT_TIME'","source":{"id":"'$c_device_source'"},"type":"c8ydemoAndroid","c8y_Acceleration":{"accelerationY":{"unit":"G","value": -0.2631993591785431},"accelerationX":{"unit":"G","value":5.769125938415527},"accelerationZ":{"unit":"G","value":8.193016052246094}},"c8y_Gyroscope":{"gyroX":{"unit":"°/s","value":-0.03604104742407799},"gyroY":{"unit":"°/s","value": 0.055571284145116806},"gyroZ":{"unit":"°/s","value":,-0.0010122909443452952}}}]}'
        sleep 2
    if [ $result -eq 1 ]
        echo "##########################################"
        echo "#    Simulating Anamolous Measurement    #"
        echo "##########################################"
        curl --user $c_user:$c_pass -X POST $c_url"/measurement/measurements" -H "accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --data '{"measurements":[{"time":"'$CURRENT_TIME'","source":{"id":"'$c_device_source'"},"type":"c8ydemoAndroid","c8y_Acceleration":{"accelerationY":{"unit":"G","value":-27.943368911743164},"accelerationX":{"unit":"G","value":-26.63686370849609},"accelerationZ":{"unit":"G","value":7.422532558441162}},"c8y_Gyroscope":{"gyroX":{"unit":"°/s","value":-13.211706161499025},"gyroY":{"unit":"°/s","value":7.483762264251709},"gyroZ":{"unit":"°/s","value":-11.959641456604006}}}]}'
        sleep 2
    COUNTER=`expr $COUNTER + 1`

This should now start sending alternate anomalous and non-anomalous measurements to Cumulocity on behalf of your demo device for a total duration of 30 seconds.

You should notice anomaly detection alarms for every anomalous measurement that it sends. These alarms generated from your device will be visible under the Alarms page of the Device Management application.