
Overview is an open-source framework to develop lightweight, smart, and secure connected devices.

The cloud-agnostic provides the foundations for cloud connectivity and device management, a set of pre-packaged modules, plug & play connectors to cloud platforms, device certificate management, monitoring as well as built-in software and firmware management.

On top of these foundations, you can build telemetry applications using a combination of components provided by various IoT actors. The features provided by these components can include for example low-level connectivity to IoT protocols, event-stream analytics, machine-learning-powered systems, or application specific processors. can be extended in various programming languages due to its extensible architecture. The following list shows the key aspects of the architecture:


Design principles

The primary goal of is:

For that purpose, focuses on:

Supported platforms


Common requirements for all systems are:

Level 1

Level 1 supported platforms are officially supported and are actively tested in the CI/CD.

Level 2

Level 2 platforms are not officially supported and tested yet, but the following systems have been used by some of our users.

If your OS is not listed here, this does not mean it is not working. We recommend trying your OS with our level 2 platforms.

Thin Edge JSON format

Thin Edge JSON is a lightweight format used in to represent measurements data. This format can be used to represent single-valued measurements, multi-valued measurements or a combination of both along with some auxiliary data like the timestamp at which the single measurement or multiple measurements were generated.

Single-valued measurements

Simple single-valued measurements like temperature or pressure measurement with a single value can be expressed as follows:

    "temperature": 25

The key represents the measurement type while the value represents the measurement value. The keys can only have alphanumeric characters and the “_” (underscore) character. However, the key cannot start with an underscore. Values can only be numeric, therefore string, boolean or other JSON object values are not allowed.

Multi-valued measurements

A multi-valued measurement is a measurement that is comprised of multiple values. Below you find the representation of a three_phase_current'measurement that consists of L1, L2 and L3 values, each representing the current on each phase, see example below:

    "three_phase_current": {
      "L1": 9.5,
      "L2": 10.3,
      "L3": 8.8

The key is the top-level measurement type and value is a JSON object having further key-value pairs which represent each aspect of the multi-valued measurement. Only one level of nesting is allowed, therefore the values of the measurement keys at the inner level can only be numeric values.

For example, a multi-level measurement as follows is NOT valid:

    "three_phase_current": {
        "phase1": {
            "L1": 9.5
        "phase2": {
            "L2": 10.3
        "phase3": {
            "L3": 8.8

This example is not valid as the values at the second level, phase1, phase2, and phase3, are not numeric values.

Grouping measurements

Multiple single-valued and multi-valued measurements can be grouped into a single Thin Edge JSON message, see example below.

    "temperature": 25,
    "three_phase_current": {
        "L1": 9.5,
        "L2": 10.3,
        "L3": 8.8
    "pressure": 98

The grouping of measurements allows you to represent measurements collected at the same instant of time.

Auxiliary measurement data

When receives a measurement, it adds a generated timestamp to the measurement before any further processing. If you do not want to rely on this timestamp, an explicit timestamp can be provided in the measurement message itself by adding the time value as a string in ISO 8601 format using time as the key name. See the example below:

    "time": "2020-10-15T05:30:47+00:00",
    "temperature": 25,
    "location": {
        "latitude": 32.54,
        "longitude": -117.67,
        "altitude": 98.6
    "pressure": 98

The time key is a reserved keyword and hence cannot be used as a measurement key. The time field must be defined at the root level of the measurement JSON. It is not allowed at any other level, for example inside the object value of a multi-valued measurement. Non-numeric values like the ISO 8601 timestamp string are solely allowed for these reserved keys and not for regular measurements.

Below you find the complete list of reserved keys that serve a special role inside the framework and hence must not be used as measurement keys:

Key Description
time Timestamp in ISO 8601 string format
type Internal to

Sending measurements to

The framework exposes some MQTT endpoints that can be used by local processes to exchange and to forward data to the cloud. It acts as an MQTT broker against which you can write your application logic. Other Thin Edge processes can use this broker as an inter-process communication mechanism by publishing and subscribing to various MQTT topics. Publish the respective data to a standard topic to forward data to the connected cloud provider. reserves all topics with the prefix tedge/ for this purpose. To send measurements to publish the measurements represented in Thin Edge JSON format to the tedge/measurements topic. Other processes running on the Thin Edge device can subscribe to this topic to process these measurements.

If the messages published to this tedge/measurements topic is not a well-formed Thin Edge JSON, does not process this message. It publishes an appropriate error message including the reason why the validation failed to a dedicated tedge/errors topic. The messages published to this topic will be highly verbose error messages and can be used for any debugging during development. Do not rely on the structure of these error messages to automate any actions as they are purely textual data and bound to change from time-to-time.

More topics will be added under the tedge/ topic in future to support more data types like events, alarms etc. We recommend you to avoid any sub-topics under tedge/ for any other data exchange between processes.

Below you find the complete list of topics reserved by for its internal working:

Topic Description
tedge/ Reserved root topic of
tedge/measurements Topic to publish measurements to
tedge/errors Topic to subscribe to receive any error messages emitted by while processing measurements

Sending measurements to the cloud

The framework allows you to forward all the measurements generated and published to the tedge/measurements MQTT topic in the Thin Edge device to any connected IoT cloud provider using a mapper component designed for that particular cloud.

The mapper is used to subscribe to the tedge/measurements topic in order to receive all incoming measurements represented in Thin Edge JSON format and to format these measurements to a format understood by the connected cloud. Refer to Thin Edge Mapper for more details on the mapper component.

Thin Edge mapper

The tedge-mapper is a key concept to support multiple cloud providers. The purpose is to translate messages written using the cloud-agnostic Thin Edge JSON format, into cloud-specific messages.

The tedge-mapper is composed of multiple cloud-specific mappers, such as Cumulocity IoT mapper and Azure mapper. Each mapper is responsible for its dedicated cloud. These specific mappers are launched by the respective tedge connect command. For instance, tedge connect c8y establishes a bridge to Cumulocity IoT and launches a Cumulocity IoT mapper that translates the messages in the background.

A mapper subscribes to the reserved MQTT topic tedge/measurements with the QoS level 1 at least once. The messages that arrive in the mapper must be formed in the Thin Edge JSON format. The mapper verifies if the arrived messages are correctly formatted. If the verification fails, the mapper publishes a corresponding error message on the topic tedge/errors with the QoS level 1 at least once.

When the mapper receives a correctly formatted message, it translates the message into a cloud-specific format.

Platform mapper

The Cumulocity IoT mapper translates Thin Edge JSON into Cumulocity IoT’s JSON via MQTT. The translated messages are published on the topic c8y/measurement/measurements/create from where they are forwarded to Cumulocity IoT. This mapper is launched by the tedge connect c8y command, and stopped by the tedge disconnect c8y command.

Example in Thin-Edge JSON:

	"temperature": 23

Translated into JSON via MQTT by the Cumulocity IoT mapper:

	"type": "ThinEdgeMeasurement",
	"time": "2021-04-22T17:05:26.958340390+00:00",
	"temperature": {
		"temperature": {
			"value": 23

The Cumulocity IoT mapper added the three things which are undefined before the translation:

  1. type
  2. time
  3. Another hierarchy level. This is required by the Cumulocity IoT data model. The string temperature is used as fragment and series.

(1) The type is a mandatory field in the Cumulocity IoT JSON via MQTT manner. Therefore, the Cumulocity IoT mapper always adds ThinEdgeMeasurement as a type. This value is not configurable by users.

(2) The time is added by the mapper only when it is not specified in a received Thin Edge JSON message. In this case, the mapper uses the device’s local time zone. If you want another time zone, specify the time filed in Thin Edge JSON.

(3) The mapper uses a measurement name, for example “temperature”, as both a fragment type and a fragment series in Cumulocity IoT measurements.

After the mapper publishes a message on the topic c8y/measurement/measurements/create, the message is transferred to the topic measurement/measurements/create by the MQTT bridge.

Azure IoT Hub mapper

The Azure IoT Hub mapper takes messages formatted in the Thin Edge JSON as input. It validates if the incoming message is correctly formatted in Thin Edge JSON and outputs the message. The validated messages are published on the topic az/messages/events/ from where they are forwarded to Azure IoT Hub. This mapper is launched by the tedge connect az command, and stopped by the tedge disconnect az command.

The Azure IoT Hub mapper processes a message in the following way:

  1. Validates if it is a correct Thin Edge JSON message or not.
  2. Validates if the incoming message size is below 255 KB. The size of all device-to-cloud messages must be up to 256 KB, see the Azure IoT Hub Manager at for more information. The mapper keeps 1 KB as a buffer for the strings added by Azure.
  3. Adds a current timestamp if a timestamp is not included in an incoming message (default). To stop this behavior, refer to the following instruction:

If the input is the following,

	"temperature": 23

the output of the mapper is

	"temperature": 23,
	"time": "2021-06-01T17:24:48.709803664+02:00"

Configure whether adding a timestamp or not

If you do not want to add a timestamp in the output of Azure IoT Hub mapper, you can change the behavior by running the following command:

sudo tedge config set az.mapper.timestamp false

After changing the configuration, you need to restart the mapper service by

sudo systemctl restart tedge-mapper-az.service

Error cases

When an error occurs in a mapper process, the mapper publishes a corresponding error message on the topic tedge/errors with the QoS level 1 at least once.

Below you find an example for publishing invalid Thin Edge JSON messages on tedge/measurements:

$ tedge mqtt pub tedge/measurements '{"temperature": 23,"pressure": 220'
$ tedge mqtt pub tedge/measurements '{"temperature": 23,"time": 220}'

You receive error messages from the mapper on the topic tedge/errors:

$ tedge mqtt sub tedge/errors
[tedge/errors] Invalid JSON: Unexpected end of JSON: {"temperature":23,"pressure":220
[tedge/errors] Not a timestamp: the time value must be an ISO8601 timestamp string in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss.±hh:mm format, not a number.

Topics used by tedge-mapper

Software management with

With you can ease the burden of managing packages on your device. Software management operates end-to-end from a cloud to the OS of your device and reports the statuses accordingly.



The tedge_agent is distributed as a Debian package and can be installed with following command:

sudo dpkg -i tedge_agent

The installation adds systemd service tedge-agent.service and new user specific to the agent (tedge-agent). As some of the operations may require root permissions or sudo access we reccomend you to add the tedge-agent user to the sudo group which allows it to execute elevated commands.

This is executed using the following command:

sudo usermod -aG sudo tedge-agent

To start the agent, use the following command:

sudo systemctl restart tedge-agent

SM plugins must be stored in the /etc/tedge/sm-plugins directory.

Architecture FAQ

Why is an executable binary and not a library?

Interoperability of software components can be addressed along very different approaches. uses dynamic and loose Inter-Process Communication (IPC) using messages exchange over an MQTT bus.

In the past and even today, many clouds provide a library (SDK) to help you connect your code to the cloud.

In we decided not to follow this approach for the following reasons:

Why does use MQTT for Inter-Process Communication (IPC)?

MQTT is a lightweight and flexible messaging protocol widely used by IoT applications.

We recommend you to use MQTT for the following reasons:

Why does use MQTT for cloud communication?

MQTT is a lightweight and flexible messaging protocol widely used by IoT applications. Nearly all IoT cloud platforms provide an MQTT endpoint to consume and publish messages from a fleet of devices. Therefore, MQTT was an obvious choice for edge to cloud communication.

Using MQTT for cloud communication is not mandatory. You are free to add additional protocols beside MQTT. Since has an internal bus, you can implement a bridge to another protocol (e.g. LWM2M or plain HTTPS). In that case, MQTT is used inside the edge devices, and another protocol is used for external communication.

Why is the canonical format based on JSON?

Thin Edge JSON, the cloud-agnostic message format of, is based on JSON.

Supported by nearly all programming languages, JSON provides a nice compromise between simplicity and flexibility. Notably, it features duck typing, a flexible way to group different data fields that can be read by consumers with different expectations over the message content. For instance, a consumer expecting a temperature can process messages where the temperature measurements are produced along with other kinds of measurements.

Additionally, JSON is supported by most (if not all) cloud vendors, which makes the transformation easier.

JSON is also used by other IIoT standards, including OPC/UA and LWM2M.

Why use Rust?

The command line interface and the daemon processes of are implemented in Rust, a language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

The main reason to use Rust is the security aspect. Rust avoids many security vulnerabilities and threading issues at compile time. With the type system of Rust you write software that is free from typical security flaws: undefined behavior, data races or any memory safety issues.

The second motivation is efficiency. Rust software is typically as efficient as C/C++ software. One reason is that Rust does not have (by default) a garbage collector. Instead, memory lifetime is calculated at compile time.

Note that, even if the core of is written in Rust, any programming language can be used to implement components. For that, one just needs an MQTT library that lets them interact with the MQTT broker.