Cockpit application

The Cockpit application is one of the default applications of Cumulocity IoT. It provides options to manage and monitor IoT assets and data from a business perspective, like managing assets, visualizing data, working with dashboards and managing reports.

For details see Application enablement & solutions > Cockpit.


In the change logs (or release notes for yearly releases respectively) changes can be filtered for various parameters one of which is the component. Components reflect functional subcategories from a user perspective, for example, “Administration” or “Authentication”.

See also Product area.

Continuous Deployment model

In the Cumulocity IoT Continuous Deployment (CD) model, the different components of the Cumulocity IoT platform are updated on a continuous basis. This means a frequent deployment of small incremental improvements. Continuous updates provide customers with a steady stream of enhancements, bug fixes, and new functionalities as they become available.

See also Private Preview, Public Preview and General Availability.

Cumulocity IoT Core

Cumulocity IoT is the foundation of the Cumulocity IoT platform. It comprises all major components such as the default applications (Administration, Cockpit and Device Management), the Cumulocity IoT operational store, microservices, REST API, MQTT API, and smart rules.

Cumulocity IoT DataHub

Cumulocity IoT Datahub is a Cumulocity IoT application for offloading data from the operational store of Cumulocity IoT to a data lake and querying the data lake contents.

For details see Analytics > DataHub.

Cumulocity IoT Edge

Cumulocity IoT Edge is the onsite solution of Cumulocity IoT intended to run as a local software application on industrial PC’s or local servers.

For details see Edge.

Cumulocity IoT operational store

Internal datastore of Cumulocity IoT where all data (such as alarms, events, inventory, and measurements) are stored in so-called base collections.

Cumulocity IoT Sensor App

The Cumulocity IoT Sensor App is a free smartphone application available for iOS and Android smartphones. The app is designed to collect measurements from your smartphone, nearby Bluetooth device sensors, and vehicle On-board Debug (OBD) sensors, and send them to the Cumulocity IoT platform. It has a straightforward registration workflow to get you up and running quickly and provides an easy way to get data into Cumulocity IoT.

For details see Cumulocity IoT Sensor App.

Cumulocity IoT Streaming Analytics

Using the Streaming Analytics application, you can add your own logic to your IoT solution for immediate processing of incoming data from devices or other data sources. These user-defined operations can, for example, alert applications of new incoming data, create new operations based on the received data (such as sending an alarm when a threshold for a sensor is exceeded), or trigger operations on devices. The operation logic is based on Apama’s Event Processing Language (EPL).

See also Analytics Builder and EPL Apps.

For details see Analytics > Streaming Analytics.