Available applications

Cumulocity IoT comes with several applications subscribed by default.

Apart from the applications that initially come with Cumulocity IoT, various additional applications are provided, offering a wide variety of functionalities. The availability of this applications depends on the tenant you are using and the applications your organization is subscribed to.

On top of this, the Cumulocity IoT platform provides broad functionality to add your own applications to be used in your Cumulocity IoT account, see Custom applications for details.

The content of the Cumulocity IoT platform therefore is entirely dynamic and is generated based on various criteria:

  • The applications that your organization has subscribed to.
  • The applications that your organization has configured or developed itself for Cumulocity IoT.
  • The functionality that your user is permitted to see.
  • The configuration of the user interface, such as groups and reports.