Connecting Edge to the cloud

Edge can be managed, configured, and monitored remotely through a Cumulocity IoT cloud tenant. You can control and troubleshoot your instance of Edge deployments remotely.

Registering Edge in the cloud tenant

To manage, configure, and monitor remotely through a Cumulocity IoT cloud tenant, you must first register Edge as a device in the Cumulocity IoT cloud tenant. You can register Edge by providing the Cumulocity IoT cloud tenant URI, and optionally, TLS/SSL key and certificate chain with which Edge connects to cloud through MQTT protocol using an X.509 certificate for authentication. If you do not provide the TLS/SSL key and the certificate chain, the Edge operator uses an internally generated TLS/SSL key and certificate for identifying Edge as a device to the cloud tenant. For completing the registration process, you must sign into your cloud tenant and follow the steps described in Managing trusted certificates to add the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate to the trusted certificate list of your tenant.

In case you let Edge use the internally generated TLS/SSL key and certificates, you can download the CA certificate by using the following command:

kubectl get edge c8yedge -n c8yedge --output jsonpath='{.status.helpCommands.fetchGeneratedCACrt}' | sh
Substitute the namespace name c8yedge in the command above with the specific namespace name you have specified in your Edge CR.

Once registered, the Edge deployment appears as a device named after the domain name of your Edge instance. For example, if you have configured your domain name as, the Edge deployment appears as .

Upgrading Edge remotely

You can remotely update your instance of Edge using the Cumulocity IoT’s firmware update feature. This process requires you to upload a YAML file specifying the Edge version to your tenant account. For more information about the firmware feature, see Managing firmware.

Update the sample version file to specify the Edge version follow the steps below to upgrade:

  1. Log in to your Cumulocity IoT tenant account and go to the Device Management application.

  2. In the Firmware repository page, click Add firmware and provide a name for the firmware, add a description and its version (all required).

    Firmware list

    Optionally, you can define the device type filter when adding a new firmware. For example, c8y_EdgeAgent.

  3. Select the Provide a file path option to specify an HTTPS URL of a server from where the version file can be downloaded.

    Click Add firmware. The firmware object appears in the firmware list.

  4. Click All devices in the Devices menu, select your instance of Edge from the device list.

  5. Click Firmware. The Firmware tab shows the current Edge version.

    Edge version

    You can also see the current Edge version in the Info tab.

    Edge version

  6. Click Replace firmware.

  7. Select the firmware that you just uploaded and click Install. Edge version

    • To check the status of the update, hover over the refresh icon as shown in the figure below: Edge version
    • To check the details of the update, click the text outlined in red in the figure below: Edge version

Updating Edge appliances using bulk operations

For information about updating Edge using bulk operations, see Updating Edge using bulk operations.

Downloading diagnostics remotely

You can download the diagnostics report remotely from your tenant account after you have registered your instance of Edge in the tenant account.

To download the diagnostics report from your tenant account:

  1. Log in to your Cumulocity IoT tenant.

  2. Go to the Device Management application.

  3. Click Devices > All devices in the navigator.

  4. Select your instance of Edge for which you want to download the diagnostics report.

  5. Click Diagnostics > Request diagnostic file.

    Diagnostics report remotely

  6. Click the ZIP file link to download the diagnostic report.

Managing software remotely

You can remotely manage the applications, microservices and extensions installed on Edge using the Cumulocity IoT advanced software management feature. This process requires you to first upload an application, microservice or extension to the software repository before installing them. For more information on uploading items to the software repository, see To add a new software or software version. For more information about the software management feature in general, see Managing device software.

To use the Cumulocity IoT advanced software management feature, your Cumulocity IoT cloud tenant’s subscription plan must include the advanced-software-mgmt microservice.
  • Applications - You need a Cumulocity IoT application, see Web SDK for details. Upload the application zip to the software repository with the software type c8yedge_application
  • Microservices - You need a microservice, see Microservice SDK for details. Upload the microservice zip to the software repository with the software type c8yedge_microservice
  • Extensions - You need either a widget or plugin, see Micro frontends for details. Upload the extension zip to the software repository with the software type c8yedge_extension
When using the remote software management feature, the manifest for applications, microservices and extensions must contain a name, key, version and contextPath. These values are used when installing the software rather than using the name and version from the software repository. The name and version from the manifest are also listed on the devices Software tab when installed.

Installing software

  1. Navigate to your Edge device’s Software tab. The Software tab lists your installed applications, microservices and extensions. Click Install software. The Install software dialog lists the software from the software repository which matches Edge’s supported types of c8yedge_application, c8yedge_microservice and c8yedge_extension.
  2. Select one or multiple software items.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Under Software changes on the right, review your planned changes and confirm the software update operation by clicking Apply changes.

The install operation will be created and executed on the device. The software installation is completed when the device has installed the software.

Applications and microservices will be installed and subscribed to on your ’edge’ tenant but extensions will only be installed.

Updating software

To update software on your Edge device, hover over the software item which you want to update and click Update. Select a version from the list and click Update again. The software will be updated with the selected version.

The update operation will be created and executed on the device. The software update is completed when the device has updated the software.

Removing software

To remove software on your Edge device, hover over the software item which you want to remove and click the remove icon.

The remove operation will be created and executed on the device. The software removal is completed when the device has removed the software.

Data exchange using data broker

Data broker lets you upload the data to a Cumulocity IoT tenant account selectively. Note that you must first create a Cumulocity IoT tenant account.

Data broker and Edge connectivity are compatible only with the current version and previous two releases of Cumulocity IoT. Cumulocity IoT has a release every three months.

You can share the following data with the tenant account:

  • Devices (and more generically, managed objects)
  • Events
  • Alarms
  • Measurements
Data broker in Edge does not support synchronization of the operations.

To upload the data to a Cumulocity IoT tenant account, you must first create a data connector in the Edge appliance and subscribe this connector in the tenant account.

A data connector describes the subset of the data that you would like to send to a destination tenant. For more information, see Data connectors.

To create a data connector and upload the data to the tenant account, perform the following steps:

  1. In your Edge, log in to the “edge” tenant.

  2. In your Edge, go to the Administration application. Click Data broker > Data connectors.

  3. Click Add data connector and provide all the information and filters. See To add a data connector.

    Note down the security code. This security code will be used to subscribe the connector in the tenant account.

  4. Log in to the Cumulocity IoT tenant account. For more information on, see To access Edge

  5. In the tenant account, go to the Administration application. Click Data broker > Data subscriptions to subscribe the connector created in your Edge appliance.

    Click Add data subscription and provide the security code. Click Submit and accept the subscription. See Data subscriptions.

    You can now navigate to the Device Management application or the Cockpit application. You will find a new “virtual group” with a specific icon showing the forwarded devices. The group will have the same name as your subscription.

For more information about sending and receiving data in Cumulocity IoT, see Using the data broker.