Microservice SDK

December 2023

Deprecation of the Microservice SDK for C#

With the introduction of auto-generated SDKs, we provide an always up-to-date developer library with the purpose to facilitate the development of Cumulocity IoT microservices in different programming languages including C#.

The new auto-generated SDKs make our existing Microservice SDK for C# obsolete. For this reason, the Microservice SDK for C# has been removed from our public product documentation.

To learn more about using the auto-generated SDKs, refer to our respective GitHub repository.

Dependency updates

  • Dependencies on org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-* were updated to version 9.4.51.v20230217. [MTM-53359]
  • The Spring Boot dependency has been updated to version 2.7.11. [MTM-53342]