Connecting new Bluetooth devices to the Sensor App

The Cumulocity IoT Sensor App connects to a range of Bluetooth sensor devices. Additional devices will be added in the future.

To connect a device, click the plus button at the bottom right of the screen. If Bluetooth is enabled and all required permissions are granted, your smartphone starts scanning for any new supported Bluetooth devices in the area that are not already paired. If Bluetooth is not enabled, select Enable Bluetooth on the scanning screen and follow the instructions.

New devices will be added to the list as the smartphone discovers them.

Bluetooth connection

If there are no supported devices in range, there is an option to see a list of all currently supported device types.

Ensure that the device you wish to connect to is switched on and in pairing mode. For most devices, this automatically happens when they are switched on and not paired with any other device. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions if you are unsure.

Bring the device close to your smartphone, 30cm or less is ideal.

When the Bluetooth device appears in the list, tap Pair Device to start pairing. The Bluetooth device will then be connected to your smartphone and start sending data to Cumulocity IoT if you are currently connected.

Cumulocity IoT Sensor App supports Bluetooth simulation if you want to connect Bluetooth sensor devices without a physical device.

To enable or disable the simulation in Cumulocity IoT Sensor App, follow the instructions at the beginning of the section to scan for connected Bluetooth devices. During the scan use the Enable simulation button to enable the simulation mode. Once enabled, Cumulocity IoT Sensor App will present devices supporting the simulation mode. Continue from here as with real physical devices.

There are two ways to disable the simulation:

  • Click Disable simulation to end the simulation for all connected simulated devices.
  • End the simulation via the Cumulocity IoT Sensor App settings. On Android the settings are available via the main menu. On iOS, find Cumulocity IoT Sensor App in the System Preferences app, select Connectivity and disable Simulate devices. By disabling the simulation mode, you disconnect and remove all simulated devices.