

There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.


There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.


There have not been any significant improvements or fixes related to this component since the last Maintenance release.



Component Description Issue
Cockpit Fixed an issue in the "Alarm list" widget where the UI did not correctly filter by type. MTM-39937



Component Description Issue
Cockpit The sorting of widgets in dashboards in a mobile view has been improved so that the widgets are no longer displayed in random order. MTM-39499


There are no significant improvements or fixes related to this component in this Maintenance release.


There are no significant improvements or fixes related to this component in this Maintenance release.


There are no significant improvements or fixes related to this component in this Maintenance release.



Component Description Issue
Cockpit The performance of the  "Asset table" widget has been improved by loading the next page of devices only when the bottom of the list is reached and the user clicks "Load more". MTM-35132
Cockpit In the Cockpit application, when a report is renamed, the page title is correctly updated with the new name. MTM-37189
Cockpit For export configurations, the checkbox for the time range selection now correctly reflects the saved configuration when opened for editing. MTM-37685
Web SDK Improved app subscription to avoid a race condition bug when applying branding to an application. This was often leading to not/wrong applied branding when creating a new branding. MTM-37276
Web SDK An issue has been fixed where the login was in English instead of the browser language setting. Language codes are now resolved correctly for the Japanese language. MTM-37059
Web SDK The Web SDK CLI tool (c8ycli) is now working with NodeJS 15 and npm 7. MTM-37412



Component Description Issue
Web SDK Improved app subscription to avoid a race condition bug when applying branding to an application. This was often leading to not/wrong applied branding when creating a new branding. MTM-37276



Component Description Issue
Cockpit The behaviour of the Scroll lock toggle in the "Data point table" widget has been clarified by changing its label to Auto-scroll and adding a tooltip, see Cockpit > Widgets collection in the User guide. MTM-34173
Cockpit Users can now again add or edit dashboards if they have given the permission by inventory roles; they do no longer need to have ADMIN or inventory WRITE permission. MTM-35451
Web SDK The save functionality on the config component has been extended, custom widgets can now fire a life-cycle-hook (onBeforeSave) before a configuration is saved. MTM-35430



Component Description Issue
C# SDK A new C# example for the real-time notifications feature has been added at MTM-32859
Cockpit A new Cloud Sensor App icon has been included in the "Connect smartphone" wizard. MTM-32401
Cockpit To improve performance, the "withChildren:false" parameter has been added to several calls to inventory. MTM-32437
Cockpit To improve performance, requests to inventory  to check if the user has permission now use the "withChildren:false" parameter. MTM-32482
Cockpit & Device Management To improve performance, in the sub-assets view of group details, the objects are now fetched from inventory using the childAssets endpoint instead of advanced querying (in-group). MTM-32441
Cockpit & Device Management To improve performance, the group assignment widget now uses the "withChildren:false" parameter in calls to inventory. MTM-32032
Cockpit & Device Management Improved the performance of the navigator groups items by changing how the inventory API is called to fetch managed objects. MTM-32870
Cockpit & Device Management In the view for root level groups the number of children for a group is no longer displayed by default but only shown on mouseover. MTM-32452
Cockpit & Device Management On the root groups views, the query to inventory uses the flags onlyRoots=true and withChildren=false. This results in improved performance. MTM-32450
Cockpit & Device Management Performance has been improved by making breadcrumbs on devices and groups configurable. Per default, breadcrumbs on devices and groups are now turned off. They can be turned on by setting the breadcrumbs application option, see All other breadcrumbs are still displayed. MTM-29924
Java SDK Microservices with PER_TENANT isolation no longer periodically refresh subscriptions as this is not required. MTM-32207
Microservice SDK Docker images are now removed after build to allow automatic docker images prune. To disable such behavior set the delete image parameter to false:
Microservices Several libraries have been updated to fix known security vulnerables. MTM-33610
Microservices Chef cookbooks were updated to support upgrade of Docker to version 19. MTM-34967
Web SDK In general, every c8y-list-item can trigger a "pulse" css-animation now. This is useful when the customer must be notified (visually) that some changes were applied to a specific list item in a bigger list. For now, this pulse is used in the bulk operation list if the customer re-schedules a scheduled bulk operation. MTM-32543
Web SDK In case of filtering in a dropdown search box, the label "All" will change to "All filtered". The selection of all filtered items will auto-select "All filtered" and vice-versa. If at least one but not all displayed items are selected, then "All" / "All filtered" will show indeterminate (-). MTM-32708
Web SDK A new property "i18Extra" is available for the application options to add custom translations. MTM-31545


Component Description Issue
C# SDK A timeout issue with the console when listening for real-time changes has been fixed. MTM-32850
C# SDK System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified on subscription of a managed object - This exception will no longer be thrown after a subscription to a managed object event change. MTM-32849
Cockpit The Leaflet map in the Map widget is now displayed correctly after each refresh. MTM-31895
Cockpit Image icons in the Location tab of a device are now displayed properly. MTM-32795
Cockpit The "Data points graph" widget can be resized. MTM-31014
Cockpit JavaScript event attributes (like onclick, onmouseover) can now also be used in SVG files in SCADA widgets and in the custom code in HTML widgets. MTM-30767
Cockpit After selecting 2 (two) series of the same measurement type, issues were detected with exporting the measurements from the data explorer, which are now fixed. MTM-31421
Cockpit The "Map" widget now does not display more devices than configured as default pageSize for the map (for example, 40). The "Map" widget is now able to traverse inventory until the point when it displays the full page. If it is not able to fill the page fully, a message is displayed that it has retrieved all the devices which could be found.  MTM-29878
Cockpit Resolved an issue where SCADA widgets were not rendered correctly, which was caused by old data stored on dashboards. MTM-34303
Cockpit Fixed issue occurring on the migration of export schedules. Performing the migration via the UI by clicking Migrate now in the exports page, lead to multiple export mails being sent. MTM-34497
Cockpit Creating a device type dashboard is now also possible for a child device assigned to a group. MTM-34010
Cockpit Copying a dashboard from one device to another will now show the correct source. MTM-33042
Cockpit In the data point chart, strict values will change with the values on the Y axis. MTM-34594
Cockpit Fixed an issue where the service responsible for fetching data for a given series was merging multiple requests into a single one. As a result, some charts could display a warning about truncated data even when they contained series with small amount of data. MTM-34585
Cockpit Filtering in the events list widget no longer ignores the event type set by the user. MTM-34482
Cockpit Improved reliability of loading indicator in the "Data point table" widget, which is now only shown when data is still being loaded. MTM-33647
Cockpit Fixed issue with real-time updates of events/alarms in the "Data point graph" widget. MTM-32852
Cockpit & Device Management Adding a new group will now be reflected in the groups detail view without further need to reload. MTM-31157
Cockpit & Device Management The title on the child devices tab is now displayed correctly. MTM-32769
Java SDK A new configuration option "nonFilteredFileExtensions" has been added to the microservice-package-maven plugin. It has the same functionality as in the maven-resources plugin. MTM-33956
Microservices By default, microservices can no longer directly call other microservices in the same Cumulocity IOT deployment. Instead, any service invocation must be directed to the Cumulocity IoT platform APIs as described in the Microservice SDK guide. The sections Proxy variables and Request routing are particularly relevant in this context. MTM-23626
Web SDK Missing "@angular/upgrade" dependency is now added to the peer dependencies of c8y/ngx-components. MTM-32209
Web SDK Fixed the issue related to the lastDeviceMessage in the SCADA widget which did not display the occurrence of the last communication. Monitoring is now done on the following APIs: /measurements, /events, /operations, /alarms for last communication occurrence. MTM-33322
Web SDK It is now possible to load custom widgets written in Angular with Cumulocity IoT Web SDK 10.6.x. The correct config-context is now passed to the widgets. MTM-35423
Web SDK Fixed the following build error: "ERROR in node_modules/@c8y/ngx-components/core/forms/schema-form.component.d.ts:2:34 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@angular/upgrade/static'." which occurred in the Angular applications created with Angular CLI and with added @c8y/cli package. MTM-34542
Web SDK Binaries uploaded via the Web SDK now have the correct file type. MTM-29893