Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
UI | The date picker icon is now properly aligned. | #39872 |
UI | A different font is now used in the CEP editor when Japanese language is selected. | #38555 |
Enterprise Tenant | Managing subtenant applications now works even if the parent tenant is not subscribed to the application. | #39009 |
Microservices | Errors when uploading microservices will no longer occur. | #38941 |
Microservices | Log throttling has been removed, microservice logs no longer have missing lines. | #38002 |
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket | UI | The default language in Cumulocity is now set to English if the default language in the browser is not supported. | #39022, #39202 |
Microservices | A microservice's alarm can now be updated after the microservice has been deleted. | #38610 |
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
UI | The error “No application for URL” no longer occurs during login. | #39146, #39214 |
Administration | User hierarchy is now properly aligned. | #39669 |
Cockpit | The data explorer is faster in case of validation errors in the input fields. | #38975 |
Cockpit | Copying and pasting a dashboard with the “Info gauge” widget updates the context of the widget. | #38498 |
Microservices | Microservice CPU/memory usage is now properly calculated when deploying per-tenant microservices. | #39207, #39571 |
Microservices | Upgrading microservices will no longer show duplicates. | #39538 |
Microservices | It is now possible to run the Microservice SDK on windows without any issues. | #38189, #39058 |
Microservices | The correct text is now shown in the microservice log events card. | #38924, #39395 |
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
Device Management | Improvements when entering text in the date/time selector. | #36182 |
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
Cockpit | Performance of Smart Rule creation has been improved. | #38909 |
CEP | The time zone of the CEP server can now be adjusted. | #37673 |
CEP | Improved performance of event processing. | |
The “/supportedMeasurements” and “/supportedSeries” endpoints no longer return different results when called multiple times. | #38785, #39054 | -
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
UI | In the details of global roles, “Smart rules” have been changed to “Global smart rules”. | #37132 |
UI | During simulation creation, the Continue button has been changed to Create. | #37444 |
Cockpit | The Welcome page has been removed. The functionality is still available in the right drawer. | |
LWM2M | Users can now implement their own LWM2M decoders. | |
Cloud Remote Access | Host key auto-save option is now enabled by default. |
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
UI | Measurement widgets no longer use the wrong query parameters. | |
UI | Corrected cursor issues with Japanese language in the CEP editor. | |
UI | Smartphone QR registration is now disabled when using SSO. | #37578 |
UI | The color-picker is now working properly in Internet Explorer. | #15918, #15958 |
UI | Russian translation issues have been corrected. | #38130, #38412, #38413, #38414 |
UI | Missing translations regarding microservices have been added. | #38192 |
Administration | Device credentials requests are now properly counted in the Usage Statistics page. | #36545 |
Administration | After system upgrade, an admin user is created even when there is a user with the same alias name. | |
Cockpit | Excess space in default email text no longer leads to an unclickable link. | #39136 |
Device Management | Filtering for registration date in the All devices page no longer overwrites other filters. | #36764 |
Device Management | An error message is no longer occurring in the Device info tab. | |
Microservices | Improved reliability when showing microservices logs. | #38342 |
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
MQTT | MQTT-SN gateway which maps MQTT-SN traffic to Cumulocity MQTT SmartRest 2.0 has been added. | |
CanOpen | The CanOpen agent now supports SmartREST 1.0. |
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
Administration | It is now possible to load all available groups in the Inventory roles tab of users. | #37520, #38259 |
Cockpit | The date picker in the Data explorer page is no longer cut off. | #37885 |
Cockpit | Dashboard performance improvements. | #38291 |
Cockpit | Users no longer see both cleared and not cleared alarms in the alarm list in the Alarms page. | #37106 |
Cockpit | The Save button is now active after successful upload of an image in the “Image” widget. | #37156 |
Device Management | Filtering for registration date in the All devices page no longer overwrites other filters. | #36764 |
Enterprise Edition | Current user representation extension is no longer breaking agents based on older versions of the Java SDK. | |
SupportedSeries/supportedMeasurement queries no longer need to run through all measurements of device. | ||
Monitoring agent no longer fails when no series are configured for a plugin. |
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
UI | Global data point explorer performance has been improved. | #37347 |
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
UI | Text-to-speech functionality is no longer shown in Smart Rules as it is deprecated. | |
UI | The drop-down menu when selecting a template in the Simulators page is now properly expanding. | |
UI | “Map” widget markers are now readable with different themes. | #37093, #37180 |
Cockpit | Dashboard name edit is no longer broken. | #37313 |
Cockpit | Units in the “Radial gauge” widget are no longer missing upon dashboard creation. | #37526 |
Device Management | The data explorer now properly shows additional data points upon activation. | #37345 |
Device Management | It is now possible to delete device registration entries from the management tenant. | |
Enterprise Edition | Issues when generating exports for tenants with an ID that does not match the tenant-domain have been resolved. | #36984 |
Enterprise Edition | Current user representation extension is no longer breaking agents based on older versions of the Java SDK. | |
Cloud Fieldbus | Event templates no longer declare values as strings. | |
LWM2M | C8y_Restart operation issues are no longer occurring. |
9.21.0 - 9.23.0
Area | Description |
Enterprise Edition | SSL management error text improvements. Previously "Internal reason" error appeared when the API was not available. Now, when the API is not available, the following error will be shown instead:
“404 API not available. Please check your DNS CNAME entry”. |
Enterprise Edition | The Tenant Statistics page now presents information on microservice usage per tenant. |
Enterprise Edition | The support user feature has been extended. It is now possible to deactivate the support user and to see support access status in the subtenants details. For more information, see Enterprise Tenant > Support user access in the User guide. |
Device Management | Error messages from shell commands are now more user-friendly. |
LWM2M | It is now possible to write binary resources to devices. |
MQTT | Support for pre-defined topics has been added. For more information, see MQTT static templates in the Device SDK guide. |
MQTT | It is now possible to connect registered devices via MQTT-SN gateway. This feature provides MQTT-SN (MQTT for sensor networks) gateway which can map MQTT-SN traffic to Cumulocity standard MQTT SmartREST 2.0. |
LoRa/UI | Improvements for validation error texts. |
Area | Description | Zendesk ticket |
UI | Text area fields are now properly scaling with text. | |
UI | Support for domain names containing an underscore character. | #37859 |
Administration | When creating subtenants, the tenant name is no longer created as tenant ID. | |
Administration | When a subtenant creates a new tenant, the domain section is now pre-set. | #37210 |
Administration | Validation improvements when adding new users. | #37153 |
Administration | During tenant creation, the “Contact name” is no longer taken as the “First name” of the first admin user in that tenant. | |
Administration | Data broker no longer uses CPU and memory for tenants without data connectors. | |
Administration | Errors no longer occur on the “/kpis” endpoint when there is an invalid measurement without series. | |
Cockpit | Display improvements for the “Asset properties” widget. | |
Cockpit | “Data point list” widget improvements. | #36927 |
Device Management | Response text in the Shell tab is no longer cut off when it is too long. | #35726 |
Device Management | It is now possible to delete device registration entries from the management tenant. | |
Device Management | In the Firefox browser, the broken layout for the device selection in the “On alarm send email” smartrule has been fixed. | #37061 |
Device Management | Devices created by MQTT SmartREST templates are now properly transferred via the data broker. | #35464 |
Device Management | The dashboard no longer needs a refresh when adding last measurement. | #35495 |
Device Management | Data explorer axis issues are no longer occurring. | #17032, #17114, #36935 |
Device Management | Realtime notification issues are no longer occurring. | #37975, #37984, #37991 |
MQTT | Static template 500 now properly returns all pending operations even if they were already delivered. | |
UI /Fieldbus | Modbus coils and inputs validation has been improved. | #34628 |
UI /Fieldbus | Fieldbus widget now properly works for tenants with inventory permissions. | |
Netcomm | Netcomm agents can now properly handle software updates when they have a space character in their file name. | #36418 |
Limit of total emails received with password reset tokens has been implemented. | #36824, #36922 |