Device control


The device control interface consists of three parts:

In order to create/retrieve/update an operation for a device, the device must be in the “childDevices” hierarchy of an existing agent. To create an agent in the inventory, you should create a managed object with a fragment “com_cumulocity_model_Agent”.

Note that for all PUT/POST requests accept header should be provided, otherwise an empty response body will be returned.

Device control API

DeviceControlAPI [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description
self string 1 A URL linking to this resource.
operations OperationCollection 1 Collection of all operations.
operationsByStatus OperationCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all operations in a particular status (placeholder {status}, see the operation media type below for permitted values).
operationsByAgentId OperationCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all operations targeted to a particular agent (placeholder {agentId}, with the unique ID of the agent).
operationsByAgentIdAndStatus OperationCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all operations targeted to a particular agent (placeholder {agentId} and {status}).
operationsByDeviceId OperationCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all operations to be executed on a particular device (placeholder {deviceId} with the unique ID of the device).
operationsByDeviceIdAndStatus OperationCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all operations with a particular status, that should be executed on a particular device (placeholder {deviceId} and {status}).

GET the Device Control API resource

Response body: devicecontrolApi


Example request:

GET /devicecontrol
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "self" : "<<DeviceControl API URL>>",
   "operations" : { "self" :"<<OperationsCollection URL>>" },
   "operationsByStatus" : "<<OperationsCollection URL>>?status={status}",
   "operationsByAgentId" : "<<OperationsCollection URL>>?agentId={agentId}",
   "operationsByAgentIdAndStatus" : "<<OperationsCollection URL>>?agentId={agentId}&status={status}",
   "operationsByDeviceId" : "<<OperationsCollection URL>>?deviceId={deviceId}"
   "operationsByDeviceIdAndStatus" : "<<OperationsCollection URL>>?deviceId={deviceId}&status={status}"

Operation collection

OperationCollection [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description
self string 1 A URL linking to this resource.
operations Operations 0..n List of operations, see below.
statistics PagingStatistics 1 Information about paging statistics.
prev string 0..1 A URI linking to a potential previous page of operations.
next string 0..1 A URI linking to a potential next page of operations.

Notes about Operation Collections:

POST - Create an Operation

Request body: Operation

Response body: Operation 

Required role: ROLE_DEVICE_CONTROL_ADMIN or owner of source object

Example Request:

POST /devicecontrol/operations/
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Accept: application/;ver=...
Authorization: Basic ...
  "deviceId" : "1234",
  "com_cumulocity_model_WebCamDevice": {
    "name": "take picture",
    "parameters": {
      "duration": "5s",
      "quality": "HD"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: <<URL of new operation>>
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "id" : "123",
  "self" : "<<URL of new operation>>",
  "deviceId" : "1234",
  "status" : "PENDING",
  "creationTime" : "2011-09-06T12:03:27.927+02:00",
  "com_cumulocity_model_WebCamDevice" : {
    "name" : "take picture",
    "parameters" : {
      "duration" : "5s",
      "quality" : "HD"

Get a collection of operations

Response body: OperationCollection


Example Request: Get all operations.

GET /devicecontrol/operations
Accept: application/;ver=...
Authorization: Basic ...

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "self" : "<<This OperationCollection URL>>",
  "operations" : [
      "id" : "123",
      "self" : "<<This Operation URL>>",
      "deviceId" : "1234",
  "deviceName" : "WebCamDevice",
      "status" : "PENDING",
      "creationTime" : "2011-09-06T12:03:27.927Z",
      "com_cumulocity_model_WebCamDevice" : {
        "name" : "take picture",
        "parameters" : {
          "duration" : "5s",
          "quality" : "HD"
      "id" : "124",
      "self" : "<<This Operation URL>>",
      "deviceId" : "1234",
      "deviceName" : "DiscreteStateDevice",
      "status" : "PENDING",
      "creationTime" : "2011-09-06T12:03:27.927Z",
      "com_cumulocity_model_DiscreteStateDevice" : {
            "state" : "off"
  "statistics" : {
    "pageSize" : 5,
    "currentPage : 1

DELETE - delete an collection of operations

The DELETE method allows for deletion of operation collections. Applicable query parameters are equivalent to GET method.

Request body: N/A

Response body: N/A


Example request:

 DELETE: /devicecontrol/operations ....
 Host: ...
 Authorization: Basic ...

Example response:



Operation [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description PUT/POST Mandatory
id string 1 Uniquely identifies an operation. No
self string 1 A URI linking to this resource. No
creationTime datetime 1 Time when the operation was created in the database. No
deviceID string 1 Identifies the target device on which this operation should be performed. POST: Mandatory
deviceExternalIDs ExternalIDCollection 0..n External IDs of the target device, see the Identity interface. No
bulkOperationId string 1 Reference to bulkOperationId, if this operation was scheduled from Bulk Operation No
status string 1 Operation status, can be one of SUCCESSFUL, FAILED, EXECUTING or PENDING. POST: No
PUT: Mandatory
failureReason string 0..1 Reason for the failure. No
* Object 1..n Additional properties describing the operation which will be performed on the device. POST: Optional PUT: Optional

Note: You must set the failureReason message only when status is FAILED during a PUT operation.

An “ExternalID” embedded in the “deviceExternalIDs” collection contains the properties “type” and “externalId”.

PUT - Update an Operation

Request body: Operation

Response body: n/a.

Required role: ROLE_DEVICE_CONTROL_ADMIN or owner of source object

Example Request:

PUT /devicecontrol/operations/<<operationId>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
  "status" : "SUCCESSFUL"

GET an Operation

Response body: Operation


Example request:

GET /devicecontrol/operations/<<operationId>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Accept: application/;ver=...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "id" : "123",
  "self" : "<<This Operation URL>>",
  "deviceId" : "1243",
  "status" : "PENDING",
  "creationTime" : "2011-09-06T12:03:27.927+02:00",
  "com_cumulocity_model_WebCamDevice" : {
    "name" : "take picture",
    "parameters" : {
      "duration" : "5s",
      "quality" : "HD"

Device control via SMS

In order to send operations via SMS, either the device managed object should contain the fragment:

	"c8y_CommunicationMode": {
		"mode": "SMS"

or the operation should contain the property:

	"deliveryType": "SMS"


There are two options to receive real-time notifications for the device control API. The basic protocol for receiving notifications is described in the Section “Real-time notifications”.

Receive operations for an agent

Real-time notifications permit an agent to almost immediately receive new operations targeted to it. For control-related notifications, use the URL


The subscription channel needs to contain the managed object ID of the agent that wants to receive its operations:


For example, to subscribe on notifications about new operations created for the agent with the ID “5”, the subscription channel should be the following string:



Receive operations for a device

This endpoint will not only result in returning newly created operations but also all updates (including deletion) of the operations for a device. The URL is


The subscription channel needs to contain the managed object ID of the device or a “*” as placeholder to receive notifications for all devices


The response will additionally to the operation object contain a “realtimeAction” to identify which action resulted in the given object (CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE). In case of a deletion the data will only contain the ID of the deleted operation.

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "channel": "/operations/12345",
    "successful": true,
    "error": "",
    "data": [{
      "realtimeAction": "CREATE",
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "deviceId": "12345",
        "self": "...",
        "creationTime": "2011-09-06T12:03:27.927+02:00",
        "status": "PENDING",
        "time": "2011-09-06T12:03:27.845+02:00",
        "description": "Deactivate motion tracking",
        "c8y_MotionTracking": { ... }
    "clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r"


Bulk operation collection

BulkOperationCollection [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description
self string 1 A URL linking to this resource.
bulkOperations Operations 0..n List of bulk operations, see below.
statistics PagingStatistics 1 Information about paging statistics.
prev string 0..1 A URI linking to a potential previous page of bulk operations.
next string 0..1 A URI linking to a potential next page of bulk operations.

POST - Create a Bulk Operation

Request body: Bulk Operation

Response body: Bulk Operation


Example Request:

POST /devicecontrol/bulkoperations
Content-Type: application/
Accept: application/
Authorization: Basic ...
   "description": "Restart device",
   "c8y_Restart": {}

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: <<URL of new operation>>
Content-Type: application/

   "description": "Restart device",
   "c8y_Restart": {}
   "pending":0, "failed":0, "executing":0, "successful":0, "all":1

Get a collection of bulk operations

Request body: N/A

Response body: BulkOperationCollection


Example Request: Get all bulk operations.

GET /devicecontrol/bulkoperations
Accept: application/
Authorization: Basic ...

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/
Content-Length: ...
  "self" : "<<This BulkOperationCollection URL>>",
  "bulkOperations" : [
       "description": "Restart device",
       "c8y_Restart": {}
        "pending":0, "failed":0, "executing":0, "successful":0, "all":1
       "description": "Send Command",
       "c8y_Command": {
         "text": "Do something"
        "pending":0, "failed":0, "executing":0, "successful":0, "all":5
  "statistics" : {
    "pageSize" : 5,
    "currentPage : 1

By default, querying the bulk operations endpoint does not return CANCELED operations. It is possible to include them in the response by adding additional query parameter: withDeleted=true.

To filter by general status, use e.g. this query parameter: generalStatus=FAILED

Bulk operation

Bulk Operation API allows to schedule an operation on a group of devices to be executed at a specified time. It is required to specify the delay between every operation is created. When Bulk Operation is created, it has ACTIVE status. When all operations are created, Bulk Operation has a status of COMPLETED. It is also possible to cancel already created Bulk Operation by deleting it.

When you create a Bulk Operation, you can run it in two modes:

Hints and tips:

Bulk Operation API requires different roles that standard device control API. These new roles are: BULK_OPERATION_READ and BULK_OPERATION_ADMIN.

Bulk Operation [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description PUT/POST
id string 1 Uniquely identifies an operation. No
self string 1 A URI linking to this resource. No
groupId string 1 Identifies the target group on which this operation should be performed. POST: No PUT: No
failedParentId string 1 Identifies the failed bulk operation from which failed operations should be rescheduled. POST: No PUT: No
startDate datetime 1 Time when operations should be created. POST: Mandatory PUT: No
creationRamp float 1 Delay between every operation creation in seconds. POST: Mandatory PUT: No
operationPrototype OperationRepresentation 1 Operation to be executed for every device in a group. POST: Mandatory PUT: No
status string 1 Status of the bulk operation, in context of the execution of all its single operations. Possible values: ACTIVE, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, DELETED No
generalStatus string 1 The general status of the bulk operation. The general status is visible for end users and they can filter and evaluate bulk operations by this status. Possible values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, EXECUTING_WITH_ERRORS, SUCCESSFUL, FAILED, CANCELED No
progress BulkOperationProgressRepresentation 1 Contains information about number of processed operations. No

PUT - Update a Bulk Operation

Making update on a started bulk operation cancels it and creates/schedules a new one.

Request body: Bulk Operation

Response body: n/a.


Example Request:

PUT /devicecontrol/bulkoperations/<<bulkoperationId>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Content-Type: application/
  "creationRamp" : 15

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/

  "id" : "123",
  "self" : "<<This BulkOperation URL>>",
  "groupId" : "124301",
  "status" : "ACTIVE",
  "startDate" : "2011-09-06T12:03:27",
    "description": "Restart device",
    "c8y_Restart": {}
     "pending":0, "failed":0, "executing":0, "successful":0, "all":2

GET a Bulk Operation

Response body: Bulk Operation


Example request:

GET /devicecontrol/bulkoperations/<<bulkoperationId>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Accept: application/;ver=...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/

  "id" : "123",
  "self" : "<<This BulkOperation URL>>",
  "groupId" : "124301",
  "status" : "ACTIVE",
  "generalStatus": "EXECUTING",
  "startDate" : "2011-09-06T12:03:27",
    "description": "Restart device",
    "c8y_Restart": {}
     "pending":0, "failed":0, "executing":0, "successful":0, "all":2

DELETE a Bulk Operation

Request Body: N/A.

Response Message Body: N/A.


Example Request: Delete a Bulk Operation

DELETE /devicecontrol/bulkoperations/<<id>>
Authorization: Basic ...

Example Response: