Raspberry Pi 4 Model B


This tutorial describes how to register a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B device to the Cumulocity IoT platform.

The Raspberry Pi is a popular, low-cost mini computer. It is ideally suited for prototyping machine-to-machine solutions through its GPIO pins, USB support and inbuilt WLAN support. Its operating system is Raspbian, which is the default Linux distribution of the Raspberry Pi.

The tutorial describes how to install a Cumulocity IoT agent with all relevant drivers on the Raspberry Pi to be able to remotely manage the Raspberry Pi and its connected sensors and controls. This allows you to

The agent is provided in open source form as-is without support or warranty. For commercial use, we recommend you to use industrial hardware and/or the Cumulocity IoT C++ SDK.



During the tutorial you will require the following hardware:


There’s a pre-installed OpenJDK Runtime Environment in the Raspbian distribution.

To verify, type

$ java -version

You also need to know the serial number of your Raspberry Pi to register it with Cumulocity IoT. To get the serial number, use the following command:

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo

The output of this command contains the serial number in a line like:

Serial		: 1000000017b769d5

Write down the number in the line “Serial”. The serial number is the device ID that you will require in a later step when you register the device to the Cumulocity IoT platform.


The tutorial assumes that the Raspberry Pi has an active connection to the internet, so that you can connect to the Cumulocity IoT server. You can use the Raspberry Pi’s inbuilt WLAN capabilities for this if there is an available WLAN network, otherwise you could consider adding a mobile broadband network connection by use of an add-on component such as a third-party USB dongle.

Setting up and registering the device

To install the agent

Log into the Raspberry Pi and install the agent with the following command:

$ wget http://resources.cumulocity.com/examples/cumulocity-rpi-agent-latest.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i cumulocity-rpi-agent-latest.deb

To set up the tenant URL in the properties file

When the Cumulocity IoT agent on the Raspberry Pi connects to Cumulocity IoT, it uses the host URL that is defined in the file /usr/share/cumulocity-rpi-agent/cfg/cumulocity.properties on the Raspberry Pi. The URL is defined in a line like:

host = https://<YourTenantName>.cumulocity.com

Ensure that you have set up the correct host URL here before proceeding. Here, <YourTenantName> is the name of your Cumulocity IoT tenant on the Cumulocity IoT platform.

The file is by default read-only, so you need superuser privileges to edit it. To go into “su” mode, use the following command on a command line console on the Raspberry Pi:

sudo su -

To do the edit, you can start the “vi” editor in the superuser console and make the changes there. The vi editor is available with the Raspbian delivery.

If you prefer to use another editor, you may have to install it first. After the editor is installed, ensure that you start it from a console with superuser privileges.

When you have updated cumulocity.properties, restart the agent using:

$ sudo service cumulocity-agent restart

To activate SPI

You must activate the SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) on the Raspberry Pi, if it is not already activated. You can do this as follows:

  1. On the command line, enter this command to start the raspi-config tool:
sudo raspi-config
  1. In the tool, select Interfacing Options, then select the SPI option, then select the option to activate the SPI interface.

Alternatively, you can use the desktop method:

  1. Select Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration from the desktop main menu.

  2. Open the tab Interfaces.

  3. Set SPI to “Enabled”.

To register the device to the platform

  1. Open the Cumulocity IoT platform in a web browser. The URL must match the host URL that you defined in the cumulocity.properties file on the Raspberry Pi, as described above.

  2. To register the device, follow the general instructions for registration of devices in the section Device Management > Connecting devices in the User guide. When you follow the instructions, select the option General device registration, and use the Raspberry PI’s serial number (as described in the Prerequisites section above) as the device ID.

To view the device in your Cumulocity IoT account, click All devices in the Devices menu in the navigator. By default, the device is displayed as “RaspPi <hardware model> <serial number>”.

Interacting with the platform

After the Raspberry Pi has been successfully registered, you can view the device’s status in the Cumulocity IoT´s standard applications (Device Management, Cockpit and Administration).

If you have reached this part of the tutorial successfully, you have the proof-of-concept that you can attach a device such as a Raspberry Pi to a Cumulocity IoT server and view its status information. Congratulations!

The Raspberry Pi by itself delivers only static information, so if you want to view real-time measurements coming from the device, you generally must attach hardware components that deliver this data, such as components provided by the third-party suppliers Tinkerforge and PiFace Digital. See the following sections for details.

Tinkerforge bricks and bricklets

The agent supports Tinkerforge devices out of the box, provided that the Tinkerforge daemon for Raspberry Pi is installed. See the Tinkerforge tutorial in this guide for further details.

PiFace Digital

The agent includes a simple PiFace Digital driver. The driver will create events when switches are pressed and will react to remote control commands to the relays.

Before using your PiFace Digital make sure you have tested it following the instructions on the official website. You don’t have to go through the whole guide. Following it up to the “Testing your PiFace” part is enough.

Remote firmware upgrade

The Cumulocity IoT agent permits you to upgrade the firmware of a Raspberry Pi through the rpi-update tool. You might want to check from time to time if an upgrade is available.

To configure a firmware version
  1. In the Device Management application, click Firmware Repository in the Management menu in the navigator.

  2. Click Add Firmware.

  3. Enter a name for the firmware. As URL, use the Git hash of the firmware version at https://github.com/Hexxeh/rpi-firmware. To get the Git hash, click Commits and select a particular version there. The hash is the seemingly random set of characters at the end of the URL.

  4. Save the firmware version.

To roll out the firmware to a Raspberry Pi
  1. Switch to the Software tab of the Raspberry Pi.

  2. Click Install firmware.

  3. Select the firmware version to install.

  4. Click Install.

The Raspberry Pi will install the firmware and will reboot. Go to the Control tab of the device to follow the upgrade process. At the next reboot, the firmware should be successfully installed.


The agent writes debug information to the Pi’s syslog. To troubleshoot, for example, connectivity problems, use:

$ tail -f /var/log/syslog