Streaming Analytics

December 2023

Removal of Machine Learning

As announced with release 10.16, the Machine Learning block in Analytics Builder has been removed. This is in line with the deprecation of Machine Learning Engine announced in release 10.16.

Enhanced Cumulocity IoT transport in Apama 10.15.4 to reflect changes in REST API

Due to a change in Cumulocity IoT announced with release 10.17, Apama 10.15.4 now explicitly sets withTotalPages to true for applicable requests.

Range-based queries (such as FindManagedObject) attempt to retrieve all resources matching the query parameters by default. Explicitly setting a value for currentPage or setting withTotalPages to false can improve the query performance by disabling paging. See the information on REST usage and query result paging in the Cumulocity IoT OpenAPI Specifications for more information.