Getting ready to develop Apama applications
The discussions in the following topics provide a foundation for developing your Apama application.
The discussions in the following topics provide a foundation for developing your Apama application.
To become familiar with Apama, you should
directory that contains many examples of monitors, EPL plug-ins, Apama client programs, and more.Apama Plugin for Eclipse is a tool for implementing Apama applications. It contains a set of Eclipse plug-ins that provides a number of Eclipse perspectives:
When developing an Apama application, the first step is to create an Apama project to contain your application files. An Apama project is a convenient way to manage the various files that make up your application. For example, an Apama application can include the following types of files:
extensions).You can add and manage all of these files from your Apama project in Apama Plugin for Eclipse. In addition, Apama Plugin for Eclipse provides an EPL editor whose features include content assistance, auto-bracketing, templates for frequently entered constructs, and problem detection. After you build an Apama project, Apama Plugin for Eclipse flags any line that contains an error.
You can use Apama Plugin for Eclipse to test your application. Apama Plugin for Eclipse provides Apama features that inject your application into the correlator, send test event streams to the correlator, launch adapters, and configure and monitor the operation of your application in a test environment.
Finally, Apama Plugin for Eclipse provides tools for packaging your application so that you can deploy it. See Overview of developing Apama applications.
Typically, Apama development is an iterative cycle:
Multiple contributors with varying expertise can work concurrently to develop an Apama application.
The main steps for developing an Apama application include:
Model: Design your application. Important tasks are modeling the events that your application needs to handle and identifying the services that your application must provide.
Implement: Use Apama Plugin for Eclipse to create an Apama project to contain your application files (EPL files, event files, and so on). Since Apama applications typically consist of many components, it is often possible to concurrently implement them, particularly if several people are working on the application:
Test: In Apama Plugin for Eclipse, Apama provides a runtime perspective and Scenario Browser view that help test applications as they are built. You can automate testing through the use of command-line clients.
Deploy: Docker containers (on Linux) are a great way to deploy Apama applications. Or use the macro definitions in the Ant script that is provided with Apama. You can also use the Ant export wizard in Apama Plugin for Eclipse to generate a simple Ant script for deploying your Apama project. Tune Apama applications for optimum performance.
Note: The Apama Plugin for Eclipse is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Apama Plugin for Eclipse provides tools for running your Apama application in a test environment.
In the Apama Workbench perspective, click the Start button to start a correlator and inject the current project. The Scenario Browser panel is then shown. Use the Scenario Browser to examine parameter values during execution. You can monitor execution in the Console and Problems panes.
In the Apama Developer perspective, select the project you want to test. Select Run from the menu bar and then select whether you want to run, debug or profile your Apama application. You can specify one or more launch configurations for your project.
In the Apama Runtime perspective, you can monitor your running application.