Deprecated and removed capabilities
This topic lists all deprecated and removed capabilities, going back to version 9.12. For more detailed information, see the release notes for each release. There you will also find information about breaking changes in the behavior of existing (not deprecated) capabilities that affect backwards compatibility.
Deprecated capabilities
The following table lists all currently deprecated capabilities in alphabetical order by category.
Category | Capability | Deprecated in version |
Client API | The C++ Engine Client API | 10.15.6 |
Client API | The Java APIs for Engine Client, Engine Management, Event Service, Scenario Service, Generic Management and com.apama.util.Logger | 10.15.6 |
Client API | The .NET API | 10.15.5 |
Connectivity | Correlator-integrated JMS | 10.15.6 |
Connectivity | Distributed MemoryStore, including Terracotta and BigMemory | 10.15.6 |
Connectivity | Kafka connectivity plug-in | 10.15.6 |
Connectivity | Universal Messaging transport connectivity plug-in | 10.15.2 |
Connectivity | Java and C++ connectivity plug-in API MapHelper class (com.softwareag.connectivity.MapHelper in Java API and com::softwareag::connectivity::MapHelper in C++ API) |
10.3.1 |
Connectivity | Support for using BigMemory Max for queries | 10.2 |
Connectivity | Support for setting readVisibility and writeVisibility properties in TCStore driver configuration for distributed memory stores |
10.2 |
Connectivity | ConnectivityPlugins.createChain() method in EPL |
10.1 |
Connectivity | UMStringCodec |
10.0 |
Connectivity | getMetadata() function in the C++ and Java connectivity plug-ins API |
10.0 |
Correlator | Persistent EPL monitors (correlator persistence) | 10.15.5 |
Correlator | Apama’s in-process API for Java (JMon) | 10.15.0 |
Correlator, Eclipse | Apama queries (.qry files) |
10.15.0 |
Correlator | enqueue statement (without to ) |
10.5.0 |
Correlator | -Xconfig option of the correlator executable |
9.12 |
Cumulocity | Cumulocity Client connectivity bundle | 10.15.5 |
Cumulocity | CHANNEL constant on several events in the com.apama.cumulocity package |
10.15.4 |
Cumulocity | SMSResponse and SMSResourceReference events in the com.apama.cumulocity package |
10.15.0 |
Cumulocity | withResponse() for all predefined Cumulocity types |
10.7.1 |
Cumulocity | requestAllDevices configuration option for Cumulocity transport |
10.5.0 |
Cumulocity | fragmentType as a filter when using FindMeasurement from Cumulocity API |
10.5.0 |
Dashboards | Apama dashboards | 10.15.2 |
Docker | UBI 8 variants of the Apama images | 10.15.5 |
Eclipse | Build adapter files for monitorscript changes option in Apama Plugin for Eclipse EPL build path | 10.2 |
Eclipse | The Apama plug-in for Eclipse | 10.15.6 |
EPL plug-ins | The MATLAB® plug-in | 10.15.5 |
EPL plug-ins | The R plug-in | 10.15.5 |
IAF | All use of the IAF, with the exception of use within Apama for Capital Markets | 10.15.2 |
IAF | Apama Database Connector (ADBC) | 10.15.2 |
IAF | File IAF adapter (JMultiFileTransport ) |
10.15.2 |
IAF | Basic File IAF adapter (FileTransport /JFileTransport ) |
10.15.2 |
IAF, Eclipse | ADBC Data Player | 10.15.2 |
IAF | Use of Universal Messaging from the IAF | 10.5.0 |
IAF | ADBC reconnection policy constants RECONNECT and RECONNECT_AND_CLEAR_REQUEST_QUEUE in ADBCHelper API |
10.3.1 |
Platforms | All Windows installation packages (development as well as production) | 10.15.6 |
Platforms | Use of Windows for production deployments | 10.15.5 |
PySys | The helper classes for working with Docker containers (apama.docker.* ) |
10.15.6 |
PySys | Various legacy PySys classes, modules and configuration entries, and use of the Python locale.getpreferredencoding() function within PySys tests |
10.11.0 |
PySys | Various PySys APIs including the ApamaRunner class and the -Xeplcoverage command line option |
10.7.0 |
Tooling | Apama Ant macros | 10.15.6 |
Removed capabilities
The following table lists all removed capabilities in alphabetical order by category.
Category | Capability | Removed in version | Deprecated in version |
Client API | com::apama::setLogFD in C++ client API |
10.5.0 | |
Client API | EngineManagement API for C | 10.1 | 9.12 |
Command Central | Command Central integration | 10.15.5, 10.11.3 | 10.15.0 |
Command Central | Command Central APAMA-CORRELATOR-INITIALIZE configuration type and connectivityYamlPath property of APAMA-ARGS |
10.15.5 | 10.2 |
Connectivity | Digital Event Services integration and Digital Event Services transport connectivity plug-in | 10.15.5, 10.11.3 | 10.15.2 |
Connectivity | Support for Software AG’s Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) | 10.7.0 | 10.1 |
10.5.0 | 10.0 |
Connectivity | LOGGER field and use of the legacy constructor signatures that do not use TransportConstructorParameters or CodecConstructorParameters in Java and C++ connectivity plug-ins |
10.5.0 | 10.0 |
Connectivity | name field in the C++ connectivity com::softwareag::connectivity::Plugin class and its transport and codec subclasses |
10.5.0 | |
Connectivity | subscribe() , unsubscribe() and sendToDES() actions on auto-generated EPL representations of Digital Event Services types |
10.2 | 10.0 |
Connectivity | Configure more than one Universal Messaging dynamic chain manager per correlator | 10.2 | |
Connectivity | Native Universal Messaging integration | 10.1 | 9.12 |
Connectivity | um.install.dir property, which is used by the native Universal Messaging integration to set the location of the Universal Messaging libraries in the file |
10.1 | 9.12 |
Connectivity | -r (or --rnames ) and -UMconfig ( or --umConfigFile ) options of the correlator executable, which pertain to the native Universal Messaging integration |
10.1 | 9.12 |
Cumulocity | pageSize and useBatching configuration options for Cumulocity transport |
10.5.0 | 10.5.0 |
Dashboards | Support for Java Web Start | 10.3.0 | |
Dashboards | --remoteDeploy and --remoteUndeploy options of dashboard_management tool |
10.1 | |
Dashboards | Dashboard support for applet deployment | 10.0 | |
Deployment | CLASSPATH environment variable to configure the correlator’s system classpath |
10.3.0 | 10.1 |
Eclipse | Dashboard generation and deployment | 10.15.5, 10.11.3 | 10.15.0 |
Eclipse | Event Modeler | 10.5.0 | 9.12 |
Eclipse | Apama EPL Visualization tool for Eclipse | 9.12 | |
EPL plug-ins | The old C and C++ EPL plug-in APIs | 10.15.0 | 10.0 |
EPL plug-ins | Log File Manager plug-in (LoggingManager ) |
9.12 | 9.9 |
IAF | SOAP-based Web Services Client IAF adapter | 10.7.0 | 10.5.0 |
Miscellaneous | Removed several APIs and command line options which had been deprecated over the past few years | 10.7.0 | |
REST API | REST API key virtualMemorySize |
10.7.0 | 10.3.0 |
REST API | Correlator and IAF status key name numSnapshots |
10.7.0 | |
Tooling | Set deployment directory with engine_deploy |
10.15.0 | 10.11.1 |
Tooling | Enterprise Management and Monitoring (EMM) and sentinel agent features | 9.12 | 9.10 |
Tooling | profiling request used with -r option of engine_management tool |
9.12 | |
Tooling | -r option of engine_management tool to specify a single string, enclosed in quotation marks, which delimits multiple arguments by spaces |
9.12 | |
Tooling | apamadoc.xml and apamadoc.bat files in the utilities directory |
9.12 |